Research and Community Services Institution
The Institute of Research and Community Empowerment of IPB (LPPM) was established in November 6th, 2003 through the decree of Rector No. 180/K13/OT/2003. unified from Institute of Research (LP) and Institute of Community Services (LPM). In conducting such activities, LPPM put the main orientation on improving academic excellence. All centers are directed to carry out quality assurance in implementing research and community services.
Vision :
As an international leading and qualified institution in research and community empowerment based on Science, Technology and Art in tropical agriculture.
Mission :
- Improving research and community empowerment culture with high value of ethics and moral toward academic excellence.
- Developing research programs in sustainability tropical agriculture which can be implemented and utilized to improve the quality of education and community welfare.
- Developing community empowerment programs based on research results relevant to community needs and in line with IPB.
- Supporting, fascilitating, improving and developing collaborations and net marketing with national and international institutions.
Main Task :
- To carry out planning, management and development of PPM's activities in central resources.
- To carry out monitoring activities and a minimum twicw a year evaluation of PPM's activities which is condusted and in process.
- To compile activity plans and annual operational costs based on standard procedures.
- To conduct a continuos self evaluation applying general or specific performance indicator for the head of office.
- To report a periodecall activity to the head of LPPM at least twice a year.
The duties and Authorities of LPPM’s Heads of Offices :
- To carry out planning, management, and development of PPM’s activities in central resources.
- To carry out monitoring activities and a minimum twice a year evaluation of PPM activities which is conducted and in process.
- To compile activity plans and annual operational costs based on standard procedures.
- To conduct a continuous self evaluation applying general or specific performance indicator for the head of office.
- To report a periodicall activity to the Head of LPPM at least twice a year.
Objectives :
- To be an eficient, efective and health organization of research and community empowerment (PPM).
- Developing, advancing and utilizing science and technology, wisely and responsibility for community empowerment and quality improvement of education.
- Developing partnership for science and technology transfer to community as well as developing sustainable programs.
- Supporting institute development toward research university.
Tasks and Functions :
- Determining direction and policy of research and community empowerment to relize the vision, mission and objectives of IPB.
- Conducting quality assurance of research and community empowerment activities conducted at the centers to realize academic excellence.
- Formulating at the level of institutional working order intra and inter-centers
- Coordinating the implementation of inter center’s research and community empowerment programs
- Conducting coordination with the Dean related to the research and community empowerment conducted in each department.
- Fascilitating administration and contracts of research and community empowerment activities conducted in Center and Department.
- Evaluating annually the performance of the Centers related to the output and outcome of research and community empowerment.
- Proposing the establishment, closing and merger of Centers to IPB Management.
Organizational Structure :
- Head of LPPM: Dr.Ir. Aji Hermawan, M.M.
- Vice Head for Research Program: Prof. Dr. drh. Agik Suprayogi, M.Sc.Agr.
- Vice Head for Community Development: Dr. Ir. Hartoyo M.Sc
- Vice Head for Strategic Studies: Dr. Eva Anggraini, S.Pi, M.Si
- Secretary: Prof.Dr.Ir. M. Faiz Syuaib, M.Agr
Research Centers :
- Center for Environmental Research (PPLH)
- Research Center for Agricultural and Villages Development (PSP3 )
- Research Center for Bioresources and Biotechnology (PPSHB)
- Center For Research On Engineering Application In Tropical Agriculture (CREATA)
- Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology Center (SEAFAST)
- Surfactant and Bioenergy Research Center (SBRC)
- Research Center and Planning for Regional Development (P4W )
- Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL)
- Primate Research Center (PSSP)
- Research Center for Tropical Horticulture (PKHT)
- Center for Tropical Animal (CENTRAS)
- Research Center for Human Resources Development (P2SDM)
- Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center (Biopharmaca)
- International Center for Applied Finance and Economics (Inter CAFE)
- Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Regulation and policy (Care)
- Center For Business Incubator and Entrepreneurship Development (INCUBIE)
- Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management Southest Asia and Pacific (CCROM-SEAP)
- Research Center for Mine Reclamation (REKLATAM)
- Center of Disaster Studies
- Center for Islamic Bussines and Economic Studies (CI-BEST)
- Center for Gender and Child Studies (PKGA)
- Center for Agraria Studies
- Center for Halal Science
- Center for Transdiscipline and Development
Address :
Gedung Rektorat
Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor 16680
Phone : +62 251 8622093
Fax : +62 251 8622323
E-mail :