Inspirational Alumni

Aang Permana
Alumnae of Management of Aquatic Resources Study Program Owner Crispy Ikan Petek Aang Permana boosts the business of glass fish. With initial capital of hundreds of thousands of rupiah, this man now has a turnover of up to half a billion rupiah. This man born in 1990 glanced at glass fish because the potential of this fish is quite large and has not been optimized by the community. In fact, ...

Alfi Irfan
Alumnae of Resource and Environmental Economic Study Program Founder Agrisocio Alfi Irfan is the founder of Agrisocio. Since was established in 2014, this social company is engaged in agriculture that focuses on sustainable agriculture, empowering rural households and promote better living standards of farmers. The 26-year-old Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Agrisocio is an alumnus of the Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of ...

Annisa Hasanah
Alumnae of Landscape Architecture Study Program Owner of ECOFUNOPOLY® Annisa Hasanah, is a young alumnus of IPB University from the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture. Annisa currently has a social business in the field of environmental education by making board game products called ECOFUNOPOLY®. This game has been marketed in various environmental themes, has been translated into five languages ??(Indonesia, English, German, Tagalog, and Burma), and has won various ...

Budi Susilo Setiawan
Alumnae of Animal Production and Technology study program Owner of Ternak Mitra Tani Farm Budi Susilo Setiawan is the owner of poultry business under the flagship of Mitra Tani Farm (MT Farm). Budi with his fellow partner Amrul Lubis, M Afnan W dan Bahrudin, established a sheep and goat fattening business in September 2004. Since was established, MT Farm do sheep, goats and cattle breeding. MT Farm also strives for natural feed ...

Ghulam Halim Furqoni
Alumnus of the Animal Production Technology Study Program, Class of 48 The Owner of Travinesia Ghulam Halim Furqoni developed an e-commerce market business named is a market place that accommodates travel agents to sell various tour packages. Not only tour packages to places that are already common and well known, Travinesia also provides new tour packages that are not yet known by the wider community. The purpose of making ...

Gregori Garnadi Hambali
Alumni of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Father of Aglaonema Indonesia The discoverer of Aglaonema “The Pride of Sumatera”, a new variety of aglaonema plant born in 1987 and an award winner in a competition in Netherland. Aside from that, Greg Hambali also found 31 varieties of aglaonema that has been registered to Center of Plant Variety Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia. Even one of The Big ...

Haidhar Wurjanto
Alumnae of Management Study Program Founder of SIMHA Group (Momomilk, Foresthree, Cakekinian, Mozza Bistro) Haidhar Wurjanto is an alumnus of the Management Department of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM). Together with Nur Nabilah, Haidhar pioneered a business in the field of livestock agribusiness which they named as MOMO MILK. The first MOMO MILK business was opened on January 1, 2011. Currently there are 3 MOMO MILK cafes all located ...

Hendra Etri Gunawan
Alumnus of Management Study Program, Batch 43 In 2019, Hendra was named the Indonesia Future Human Resources (HR) Leader by SWA Magazine. Indonesia Future HR Leader is a place to find future leaders in the field of human resource management. This man who is commonly called Ege builds an agile organisation by providing solutions so that every organisation or company can be dynamic in facing changes and the office can ...

I Made Donny Waspada
Alumni of Faculty of Agriculture Owner of PT. Moena Putra Nusantara With the aim of cultivating fruits, Donny opened a fruit shop which was named UD Moena Fresh. After success with the fruit shop, Donny formed PT Moena Putra Nusantara (MPN), which is a company supplier. With the initial steps to buy a few kiosks at the Central Market in Jakarta and the Caringin Central Market Bandung. His business entered ...

Jamil Azzaini
Alumni of the Agricultural Socio-Economic Department Class of 24 The owner of Cubic Creation Sisilain Jamil Azzaini is a public speaker who focuses on the field of personal development. He is now successfully becoming a national motivator who has provided inspiration even to foreign countries. Jamil and his friends established PT Kubik Kreasi Sisilain, a company engaged in the field of training and consulting. Jamil proves that he can succeed ...

Rio Ardiansyah Murda
Alumnus of the Forest Product Technology Study Program, Class of 50 CEO of Let It Wood Rio Ardiansyah Murda is one of the alumni who succeeded in turning wood waste into a more valuable creative craft named Let It Wood. Together with two colleagues, Indra Lorenza and Rendy Yudha Kurniawan, Rio has been pioneering Let It Wood since 2017. This product is made from container wood waste which partly comes ...

Rizal Fahreza
Alumnae of Agronomy and Horticulture Study Program Founder Agrowisata Jeruk Garut Rizal Fahreza has successfully developed agritourism business in form of orange plantation in Cikajang, Garut, West Java. The business has been developing since 2014 and was name as Eptilu. Eptilu is an acronym in Sundanese language which means “three F’s: Fresh From Farm”. Eptilu Agritourism offers orang picking from farm and traditional culinary experience such as Nasi Liwet Kentang ...

Sandi Octa Susila
Alumnus of Agronomy and Horticulture Study Program, Batch 48 Sandi is one of the figures that must be looked up to by young generations especially in agriculture. His work in the field of horticultural agriculture led him to become a Millennial Farmer Ambassador at the Millennial Farmers Jamboree held by the Agricultural Human Resources and Development Agency (BPPSDMP) Ministry of Agriculture in 2019. Sandi has developed his business to focus ...

Siti Nurbaya Bakar
Siti Nurbaya Bakar Minister of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia Siti Nurbaya Bakar graduated with a Bachelor's degree from IPB University in 1979 and continued her doctorate at IPB University (collaborating with Siegen University, Germany) and graduated with a doctorate in 1998. Her career began when she graduated from S1 by serving in Bappeda Lampung for 17 years. Completed from Lampung, she continued her career in Jakarta by serving ...

Tri Mumpuni Wiyatno
Alumni Social Economic of Agriculture Study, Batch 20 Called as “Electric Women”, Tri Mumpuni Wiyatno with her husband dedicate their life to build micro hydro (water turbine). Women that always called Puni build independent and prosperous community through renewable economic. And water turbine. Puni and husband’s goal is they want to contribute in building nation through independent energy that source from nature. Their principle is, when nature gives, they must ...

Wied Harry Apriadji
Nutrition Study Program Alumni, Class of 16 Author and Food Stylist Professional Wied is a practitioner in the culinary and healthy food field and has been a guest speaker on several television shows. Wied is active in writing several books on healthy dishes including Food Combining, Recipes for Healthy Natural Dishes, Indonesian Selera, Healthy Diets, various blood types, Healthy Juices, various Blood Types, and various other healthy food recipe books ...

Wildan Mustofa
Alumni of the Study Program of Soil and Land Resources, class of 1987. Owner of Java Frinsa Estate Wildan Mustofa successfully developed the archipelago coffee processing and processing business, which was named the Java Frinsa Estate. Java Frinsa Estate is located in Bandung, West Java. The location of the Java Frinsa Estate estate is located in Pangalengan, Garut and Mekarwangi, West Bandung. His business began in 2011 by collaborating with Hikmah Farm as ...

Yusep Jalaludin
Alumni of Land Resource Management Study Program Class of 49 City Farm owner Yusep Jalaludin has a vegetable cultivation business with hydroponic technology with the concept of urban agriculture and utilizing a narrow area called City Farm. Now the business located in Bukit Cimanggu City Blok G1 Bogor City has marketed a variety of healthy and nutritious hydroponic vegetable products. The main products are hydroponic vegetables (various types of lettuce). In ...