Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Undergraduate Study Program

Civil and Environmental Engineering

This study program has a vision to become a leading higher education institution in the field of civil and environmental engineering that is internationally recognized with core competencies in engineering in accordance with ecological principles and environmental sustainability.
Graduates of this study program are the first IPB graduates with a Bachelor of Engineering degree.

To become a leading higher education institution in the field of civil and environmental engineering that is internationally recognized with core competencies in engineering in accordance with ecological principles and environmental sustainability.

  • To support learning and research activities, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is equipped with a Structure Lab, Strength of Materials and Construction Lab, Physics and Soil Mechanics Lab, Air Quality and Noise Lab, Mapping and Spatial Analysis Lab, Computer Lab and Lab. Solid Waste and Hazardous Toxic Materials, Air Quality and Noise Lab, Hydraulics and Hydromechanics Lab, Mapping and Spatial Analysis Lab, Computer Lab and Lab. Field
  • Comfortable lecture rooms equipped with audio-visual equipment and air conditioning are available. There is also a comfortable library equipped with computer facilities connected to the internet, to access reference sources in the form of journals, theses, theses, dissertations and text-books.

Most graduates of the SIL Department of IPB work in construction companies, government agencies, research institutions, educational institutions, entrepreneurship or continue their studies to postgraduate programs at home and abroad.

Nationally Accredited with the title A by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT)

F4 - SIL 2
Curriculum Overview

Pengantar Kewirausahaan
Kimia Sains dan Teknologi
Pengantar Ilmu Pertanian
Bahasa Inggris
Pendidikan Pancasila
Sosiologi Umum
Pengantar Matematika

Bahasa Indonesia
Biologi Dasar
Ekonomi Umum
Pengantar Teknologi Pertanian

Gambar Teknik Konstruksi
Mekanika Fluida dan Hidrolika 1
Statistika Teknik dan Probabilitas
Mekanika Bahan
Pengetahuan Bahan Konstruksi
Pengantar Analisis Daur Hidup
Hidrologi Teknik
Ilmu Ukur Tanah

Desain Berbantu Komputer
Mekanika Fluida dan Hidrolika II
Mekanika Tanah
Analisis Struktur 1
Praktikum Pengetahuan Bahan Konstruksi
Pengetahuan Kualitas Udara
Teknik Radar dan Interferometri
Matematika Teknik
Ilmu Ukur Wilayah

Analisis Struktur II
Teknik Pondasi
Konstruksi Beton I
Konstruksi Baja I
Teknik Pengelolaaan dan Suplai Air
Praktikum Teknik Lingkungan Terpadu I
Teknik Pengembangan Sumberdaya Air
Teknik Konservasi Tanah dan Air
Rekayasa Konstruksi Kayu
Alat Berat Konstruksi
Teknik Kendali Lingkungan
Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air
Aplikasi Sistem Infromasi Geografis

Konstruksi Beton II
Konstruksi Baja II
Teknik Pengelolaan Limbah Cair
Praktikum Teknik Lingkungan Terpadu II
Polusi Tanah dan Air Bawah Tanah
Teknik Pengelolaan Limbah Padat dan B3
Teknik Irigasi
Teknik Jalan
Penyajian Ilmiah
Kuliah Kerja Nyata

Dinamika Struktur
Praktikum Bahan Perkerasan Jalan
Perancangan Bangunan
Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi
Praktikum Teknik Lingkungan Terpadu III
Teknik Green Building
Bangunan Hidrolika
Teknik Drainase
Perancangan Spasial
Praktik Kerja Lapang



Lingkar Akademik St. Campus IPB Dramaga, Babakan, Dramaga, Babakan, Kec. Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java 16002