Agroedutourism, Future Agricultural Tourism

As the largest agricultural campus in Indonesia, IPB University seeks to introduce the world of agriculture through agro-tourism. The purpose is that the wider community, especially children can get to know agriculture in detail and be able to feel the atmosphere of the agricultural world.
“With this agroedutourism, we introduce agriculture, forestry, livestock, and of course fisheries. Generally, it will introduce agriculture extensively, from planting, caring, to harvesting,” said Prof. Dr. Erika Budiarti Laconi, MS, IPB’s Vice Rector on Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship in Agroedutourism Workshop, Monday (29/4) in the Rector’s Meeting Room, Dramaga Campus, Bogor.
Prof. Erika emphasized that this agro-tourism is focused to the children and students. With that kind of tourists, they can learn about agriculture as a whole. Later the tourists can feel firsthand how to plant, care for, harvest, and how to process their crops. On the other hand, agroedutourism will later have added-value such as beauty, improving production functions, and environmental conservation. In terms of economics, this agroedutourism can increase income by selling processed products to tourists
In addition to tourism, continued Prof. Erika, this agroedutourism is also a potential place for official visits from institutions visiting IPB. Director of Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Dr. Jaenal Effendi, S.Ag., M.A said the development of agroedutourism at IPB was based on the capacity and facilities of each unit and faculty.
“We will jointly develop laboratories in both the in-house laboratory and the field laboratory in each unit. We will also develop agroedutourism to promote each unit to the wider community, “said Dr. Jaenal.
Dr. Jaenal added, in the future, IPB agroedutourism will try to go international in the effort to introduce IPB through agricultural and educational tourism.