Food Science and Technology

Food Science and Technology

Undergraduate Study Program

Food Science and Technology

The Bachelor of Food Technology program is designed to produce food technology graduates who have competence in all aspects of production, processing and management in the food industry and other food-related sectors, including as entrepreneurs.

The growth of the food industry both nationally and globally provides great opportunities for food technology graduates to work in the field. They play an important role in ensuring that processed food produced by the food industry is safe and of the best quality for consumers.

Development of food science and technology, including chemistry, microbiology, process engineering, analysis, quality and food safety.

  • One of the oldest food technology study programs in Indonesia
  • The first Food Technology undergraduate program outside North America to be recognized by IFT
  • The expertise of the lecturers has been recognized both at the national and international levels, as evidenced by their active role as food industry consultants, halal auditors, experts in various government agencies, as well as leaders and members of various national and international scientific associations.
  • Has an extensive network at the national and international levels, making it easier for students to access internship programs, student exchanges, and get decent jobs after graduation.
  • Adequate facilities (classrooms, laboratories, pilot plants) to support classes, practicum & research
  • Staff/supervisor/manager in R&D in the food industry who is responsible for developing food products
  • Staff/supervisor/manager in the QA/QC department in the food industry who ensures the quality and safety of food products
  • Staff/supervisors/managers in Regulatory Affairs in the food industry who manage product licenses and ensure product compliance with relevant food regulations
  • Staff/supervisor/manager in Production in the food industry who manages production
  • Staff/supervisor/manager in Supply Chain/Purchasing in the food industry who manages raw material supply and product distribution in the food industry
  • Staff/supervisor/manager in Sales/Marketing in the food industry who manages marketing and/or sales of food products to various sales channels
  • Consultant or auditor for the food industry in the field of food safety, quality assurance system certification, etc.
  • Researcher in various research institutions both private and government-owned
  • Staff in food-related institutions or ministries such as BPOM, LPPOM MUI, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Trade,
  • Ministry of Industry and so on
  • Lecturers at universities
  • Entrepreneurs in the food sector
  • Nationally Accredited with Superior predicate by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT)
  • Laboratory has been accredited ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN)
  • Internationally Accredited by Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Math (ASIIN)
  • Internationally Accredited by ISEKI Food Association until 2029
  • Recognized by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) since 2010
  • Recognized by the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) since 2013
F2 - ITP
Curriculum Overview

Pertanian Inovatif
Bahasa Inggris
Matematika dan Berpikir Logis
Statistika dan Analisis Data

Bahasa Indonesia
Pendidikan Pancasila
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Berpikir Komputasional
Kalkulus I

Perspektif Global Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
Mikrobiologi Pangan
Kewirausahaan Sosial
Pengembangan Talenta
Biokimia Pangan Dasar
Kimia Pangan
Dasar Kimia dan Biokimia Pangan

Praktikum Mikrobiologi Pangan
Teknologi Fermentasi Pangan
Dasar Teknik Industri Pangan
Rekayasa Proses Pangan 1
Metabolisme Komponen Pangan
Evaluasi Sensori
Peraturan Pangan
Pembelajaran Emosi & Sosial
Pengembangan Masyarakat

Analisis Pangan
Praktikum Analisis Pangan
Keamanan dan Sanitasi Pangan
Rekayasa Proses Pangan 2
Teknologi Manufaktur Pangan 1
Rancangan Penelitian Bidang Pangan
Pangan Fungsional Dasar

Teknologi Pengemasan dan Penyimpangan Pangan
Bahan Tambahan Pangan
Teknologi Manufaktur Pangan 2
Jaminan Mutu Pangan
Evaluasi Biologis Komponen Pangan

Sistem Jaminan Halal
HACCP untuk Pengendalian Keamanan Pangan
Inovasi Pangan
Penulisan Ilmiah dan Presentasi Lisan
Pengembangan Profesi

Tugas Akhir


Lingkar Akademik St. Campus IPB Dramaga, Babakan, Dramaga, Babakan, Kec. Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java 16002