IPB At a Glance

IPB At a Glance

In accordance with Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Number 66 of 2013 concerning the Statute of IPB University, the Vision and Mission of IPB are as follows:


To lead in strengthening the nation’s dignity through international excellent standards of higher education focusing on agriculture, marine sciences, and tropical bio-sciences.

  1. To prepare individuals to be excellent and professional educated generations having entrepreneurial spirit in agriculture, marine sciences, and tropical bio-sciences;
  2. To pioneer excellent development of science, technology, and arts in agriculture, marine sciences, and tropical bio-sciences;
  3. To transform science, technology, arts, and excellent cultures of IPB for the enlightenment, welfare, and sustainable quality improvement of life.


Link terkait:

  1. Statuta IPB
  2. Struktur Organisasi dan Tata Kelola IPB
  3. Rencana Strategis IPB 2024-2028