Undergraduate Study Program
Graduates of the Physics Study Program have the ability to reformulate physics concepts and are able to carry out analysis to solve problems related to physical phenomena in nature so that they have the ability and skills to adapt to the science and technology needed in the world of work.
Developing physics science through education, research and community service activities is supported by the active role of the Scientific Division in the Physics study program consisting of the Theory Physics Division, Biophysics Division and Applied Physics Division based on basic and applied research collaborations at the national and international levels, especially in supporting innovations in agriculture, marine and tropical biosciences.
- Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in biophysics, theoretical and computational physics, and applied physics
- Adequate integrated research infrastructure
- Has a network of cooperation with various higher education and research institutions at home and abroad
- There are internship programs in collaboration with various agencies such as PLN, BRIN and Cisco
- Oil and gas industry
- Materials industry
- IT professionals
- Educator (lecturer/teacher)
- Researcher
- Entrepreneur in technology field
- Private companies (national & multinational)
- Nationally Accredited with Superior predicate by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT)
- Internationally Accredited by Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Math (ASIIN)

Curriculum Overview
Fisika Sains Teknologi
Pertanian Inovatif
Matematika dan Berpikir Logis
Bahasa Indonesia
Kimia Sains dan Teknologi
Pendidikan Pancasila
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Biologi Dasar
Bahasa Inggris
Kalkulus I
Statistika dan Analisis Data
Berpikir Komputasional
Mekanika Newton
Fisika Matematika
Elektronika Analog
Mekanika Lagrange – Hamilton
Fisika Matematika Lanjut
Elektronika Digital
Fisika Komputasi
Eksperimen Fisika Lanjut
Fisika Kuantum
Fisika Statistik
Optika dan Fotonika
Sistem Instrumentasi Berbasis Internet
Fisika Sistem Kompleks
Metode Karakterisasi Material
Sensor dan Transduser
Fisika Zat Padat
Teori Relativitas
Fisika Kuantum Lanjut
Fisika Atom dan Molekul
Fisika Nuklir dan Partikel
Capstone Fisika 1
Teknik Penulisan Ilmiah Fisika
Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik
Capstone Fisika 2
Tugas Akhir
Meranti St. Campus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680