Clarias Biscuit: High Nutritional Biscuit as Emergency Supplement and Food

Clarias Biscuit: High Nutritional Biscuit as Emergency Supplement and Food


  • Prof Dr drh Clara Meliyanti Kusharto, MSc
  • Prof Dr Ir Sri Anna Marliyati, MSi
  • Prof Ir Inggrid Suryanti Surono, MSc, PhD
  • Dr Ir Annis Catur Adi, MSi



As functional food made of meat and head of catfish flour that easy to eat



  • Helps children’s growth
  • Improves elderly immune
  • Helps healing and recovery process by enough protein
  • As the emergency food that easy to carry



Indonesian government fights to improve community nutrition one of the food that loved by every group and age, especially children is biscuit. The efforts of nutrition improvement will be easier to be accepted by children through additional or functional food giving known and loved by them.

Local fish such as catfish not much used yet as the main ingredients of alternative foods. Meat and head of catfish can be made as flour for biscuit making. Clarias biscuit is a food innovation as biscuit by using catfish’s meat flour (Clarias sp,) that rich of protein and its head’s flour is rich of calcium as the main ingredients of functional biscuit. On the clinical stage, this biscuit loved by children under five and proven to improve their body weight and body immune.