Clarias Catfish Oil: The Health Supplement for The Elderly

Clarias Catfish Oil: The Health Supplement for The Elderly


Clarias Catfish Oil: The Health Supplement for The Elderly


  • Prof. Dr. Clara M Kusharto, MSc
  • Dr. Sugeng Heri Suseno, S.Pi, M.Si
  • Nunung Cipta Dainy
  • Mia Srimiati, S.Gz, M.Si


  • Suppress the rate of increase in cholesterol in the elderly
  • Help maintaining normal weight in the elderly


  • Soft gel capsul shaped with the long time save period and easy to eat.
  • Has a high content of unsaturated fatty acids
  • Contain essential fatty acid omega-3 and omega-9 that fulfill daily need
  • Able to fix lipid profile because it contains Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acid/MUFA (32.53%) and Poly Unsaturated Fatty acid/PUFA (19.76%)
  • Clinically proved can decrease blood triglyceride rate



Local fish such as catfish potentially become alternative fish oil supplement that beneficial for health. Clarias catfish oil is a food supplement that made of catfish contains omega-3 and omega-9. Omega-3 and omega-9 beneficial for maintaining body health.

This innovation uses a big amount of catfish provide in Indonesia and the side product from catfish siege that not well used until now. This can increase catfish economic value and provide cat fish oil supplement that has affordable price for lower middle class.

Clarias Catfish Oil intiated by Prof Dr Clara M Kusharto, MSc, the lecturer and researcher Department of Community Nutrition, IPB University. Ministry of Research and Technology through Business Innovation Center (BIC) had awarded Clarias Catfish Oil as one of 108 Most Prospective Indonesian Innovation 2016. The innovation has patent status with the register number P00201609153


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