

Undergraduate Study Program


Mastering the basic principles and methods of biochemistry and its applications in health, agriculture, industry and the environment. High scientific insight in formulating and applying the basic concepts of biochemistry through laboratory research. Understand the principles and procedures of biochemical analysis in metabolic processes and biomolecular characterization.

Develop basic science, concepts and methods in the field of biochemistry.

  • The only undergraduate Biochemistry study program in Indonesia
  • International cooperation with Kagawa University (Japan), Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Kassetsart University (Thailand) and University Putera Malaysia (Malaysia).
  • Cooperation with the industrial world, including Return Legacy, Sdn. Bhd., PT BioSM Indonesia, PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk, PT Biofarma, PT Nano Herbaltama Indonesia, PT Biomagg Sinergi Internasional, CV Madu Apiari Nusantar
  • Lecturers teaching Biochemistry courses in universities in the Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Analysis, Biology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, and Fisheries Study Programs
  • Teachers/tutors of secondary level teachers (junior high school and high school equivalent) in Biology and Chemistry subjects
  • Entrepreneurs related to products and services in the field of biochemistry; fermented and bioindustrial food products, medicinal and herbal products based on natural ingredients, food and health analysis technology products, health analysis service technology and halal testing
  • Research and development (RnD) and quality control in the food industry: dairy, yogurt, biscuits and other food industries
  • Research and development (RnD) and waste management in non-food industries: cement, fertilizer, pesticide and other industries
  • Research and development (RnD) and analysts in the medical and health industry: hospitals, clinical trial laboratories and the pharmaceutical industry
  • Government agencies related to biochemistry: Ministry of Health, BPOM, LPPOM MUI, BPJPH, Ministry of Agriculture
  • Nationally Accredited with Superior by the Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences Self-Accreditation Agency (LAMSAMA)
  • Internationally Accredited by Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Math (ASIIN)
G8 - BIK
Curriculum Overview

Bahasa Indonesia
Biologi Dasar
Kimia Sains dan Teknologi
Statistika dan Analisis Data
Matematika dan Berpikir Logis
Pertanian Inovatif

Pendidikan Pancasila
Bahasa Inggris
Fisika Sains Teknologi
Kalkulus 1
Berpikir Komputasional

Biokimia Fisik
Teknik Dasar dan Keselamatan Laboratorium Biokimia
Biokimia Umum
Praktikum Karakterisasi Biomolekul
Mikrobiologi Dasar
Kimia Organik

Analisis Biokimia
Struktur dan Fungsi Subseluler
Genetika dan Biologi Molekuler

Biokimia Tumbuhan
Teknik Penulisan Ilmiah
Integrasi dan Regulasi Metabolisme
Biokimia Toksikologi dan Lingkungan
Keteknikan Asam Nukleat dan Protein
Biokimia Mikroba
Praktek Lapang

Aplikasi Penelitian Biokimia
Biokimia Medis
Biokimia Klinis
Biokimia Industri
Aplikasi Bioinformatika
Biokimia Nutrisi

Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik
Industry Exposure
Pengembangan Soft Skill
Teknologi Tepat Guna Berbasis Biokimia
Inovasi Biokimia 4.0

Karya Ilmiah


Agatis St. Campus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680