

Undergraduate Study Program


Actuary is one of the 10 Best Jobs according to CareerCast in 2021 based on work environment, salary, prospects, and stress levels. More than that, Forbes and Fortune say that actuaries are among the 10 best jobs alongside other professions, including data science, statistics and math experts.

Mastery of knowledge in educating, developing and disseminating actuarial science in order to create graduates who are able to master concepts, apply, make the right decisions based on risk analysis in agriculture, marine, bioindustry, insurance, finance and various other industrial activities.

  • This is the first undergraduate program in actuarial science in Indonesia.
  • The curriculum is designed so that students have the main competencies in the actuarial field that are in line with the professional actuary exam curriculum of the Indonesian Actuary Association (PAI) and the curriculum of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo, Canada.
  • Institutional cooperation: Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI), Indonesia Financial Group (IFG), Nasional-Re, Society of Actuaries (SOA), University of Saarland – Germany
  • The actuarial field offers very promising career opportunities. An actuarial graduate has received sufficient provisions to become an actuary
  • Can have a career in various fields that require strong analytical power and quantitative abilities such as the insurance and banking industries

Nationally Accredited with Superior predicate by the Institute for Self-Accreditation of Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA)

M04 - AKT
Curriculum Overview

Bahasa Indonesia
Biologi Dasar
Fisika Sains Teknologi
Pendidikan Pancasila
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Pertanian Inovatif
Matematika dan Berpikir Logis

Kimia Sains dan Teknologi
Statistika dan Analisis Data
Bahasa Inggris
Berpikir Komputasional
Kalkulus I

Matematika Keuangan
Metode Statistika Aktuaria I
Akuntansi Aktuaria I
Metode Komputasi Aktuaria
Kalkulus II
Aljabar Linear Dasar
Matematika Diskret
Komputasi Dasar

Matematika Pasar Modal
Metode Statistika Aktuaria II
Akuntansi Aktuaria II
Persamaan Diferensial Aktuaria
Kalkulus III
Metode Numerik
Pengantar Teori Peluang

Matematika Aktuaria I
Statistika Matematik
Proses Stokastik Dasar
Pemodelan Matematika

Pemodelan Keuangan Derivatif
Analisis Model Prediktif
Matematika Aktuaria II
Teori Risiko I

Simulasi Model Aktuaria
Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik
Magang Profesi
Karya Ilmiah I
Teori Risiko II

Ujian Komprehensif
Karya Ilmiah II


 Wing 20, Jl. Meranti Kampus IPB Level 5, Babakan, Kec. Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16680