Directorate of Planning and Development

Directorate of Planning and Development


  • Director
    Dr. Ir. Hari Wijayanto, M.Si

  • Head Division of Planning and Program Development
    Ir. Suparman, M.M.

  • Head Division of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Development
    Ir. Heri Purwanto

Sub Directorate

  1. Planning dan Program Development

  2. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Development

Main Task

Coordinating of the university strategic planning concept, institutional master plan, planning and development of special program (grant, institutional cooperation, loan, etc), the university annually program and budgeting, monitoring, evaluation, and performance report


  1. Coordinating of arranging concept of the university strategic planning

  2. Coordinating of arranging university master plan

  3. Coordinating of arranging planning concept of especially program (grant, institutional cooperation, loan, etc)

  4. Composing the university annually program and budgeting

  5. Coordinating of arranging the university asset use plan and utilization

  6. Coordinating of arranging performance indicators and measurement tools

  7. Coordinating of monitoring and evaluation the university performance

  8. Coordinating of periodic report the university performance


Gedung Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lantai 1
Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
Telepon      : 0251-8622642, pes. 153,
Faksimile   : 0251-8622711