TNC IPB University Supports MBG Program and Farmers’ Economic Well-being
Tani dan Nelayan Center (TNC) IPB University held Webinar Series #TNCTalksE08 titled “Nutritious Meal Program and Farmers Economic …
Creating a Generation of Innovative and Independent Farmers, IPB University Launches Student Program for Resilient Farmers
Tani and Nelayan Center (TNC) IPB University officially opened the Resilient Farmer Student Program on Saturday (9/3) at …
TNC IPB University Encourages Collaboration to Handle Banana Disease in Flores
Tani dan Nelayan Center (TNC) IPB University bersama Koalisi Rakyat Kedaulatan Pangan (KRKP), Gerakan Petani Nusantara (GPN), Yayasan …
TNC IPB University and Taiwan Synergy in Modern Agriculture
Farmer and Fisheries Centre (TNC) IPB University initiated a collaboration with National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) and PT …
Understanding the Dynamics of Agricultural Extension in the Digital Era, TNC and Himasiera IPB University Hold Tani 2024 Lecture
In commemoration of Heroes’ Day, IPB University through the Tani and Nelayan Center (TNC) together with the Student …
TNC IPB University Webinar Series: Indonesia Can Feed the World with Sago
Sagu Nusantara Feed The World. That was the title of the Webinar Series held by the Farmers and …
Chief of TNC IPB University Highlights the Importance of a Local Approach in Addressing Climate Change in Agriculture
The Chief of the Farmers and Fishermen Center (TNC) at IPB University, Prof Hermanu Triwidodo, participated as a …
Fiber Fish Aggregation Device Innovation: Synergy of IPB University Academics, Bank Indonesia Representative of Aceh Province and Government
Tani Nelayan Center (TNC) IPB University together with Bank Indonesia (BI) Aceh Representative, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine …
TNC IPB University Organizes Tilapia Hatchery and Enlargement Training for Retired BPK Penabur Teachers
Tani and Nelayan Center (TNC) IPB University held a training on tilapia hatchery and enlargement with Yayasan Badan …