IPB University Students Present the Achievements of the Cibunian Village Climate Program
The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) team of the Agrometeorology Student Association (Himagreto) of IPB University …
Himagreto IPB University Together Fighting Stunting Through Balanced Nutrition and Health Checks
In a real effort to fight stunting, Cibunian Village collaborates with the Ormawa Capacity Strengthening Program (PPKO) team …
Agrisymphony, Bogor’s Largest Festival Successfully Held, Enlivened IPB University’s 61st Anniversary
In order to enliven the 61st Anniversary celebration, IPB University successfully held Agrisymphony (27/10). Carrying the theme “The …
Ditmawa IPB University Held FGD Using Talent Mapping Data for New IPB Students Batch 61
The Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) of IPB University held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) event for the …
Follow Economics Trip, IPB University Students Visit Thaksin University Songkhla Thailand and Indonesian Embassy Malaysia
A total of 20 IPB University students visited three countries, Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia through Economics Trip (E-Trip) …
IPB University Vocational School Students Create Diaper Waste into Two Products
IPB University Vocational School students from the Agriculture Student Association (Himavoperta) showed their innovation by developing paving block …
Himakua IPB University Successfully Holds Aquafest 2024, the Biggest Aquaculture Event
The Aquaculture Student Association (Himakua) of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University successfully held …
Forma IPH and PT Cedar Karyatama Lestarindo Hold Carbon Accounting Training for IPB University Students
The Forest Management Science Student Forum (Forma IPH) in collaboration with PT Cedar Karyatama Lestarindo held a Carbon …
IPB University Vocational School Students Invent Mas-Tion, IoT-Based Mastitis Detection Tool for Dairy Cows
IPB University Vocational School students have innovated the Mas-Tion (Mastitis Detection) tool, a technology based on electric-optical sensors, …
Build Relationships, Himakua IPB University Comparative Study to MTM ITB
The Aquaculture Student Association (Himakua) IPB University has just carried out a comparative study activity to the Material …