World Consumer Rights Day, IPB University Expert: Many Indonesian Consumers Do Not Understand Their Rights

World Consumer Rights Day, IPB University Expert: Many Indonesian Consumers Do Not Understand Their Rights

Hari Hak Konsumen Sedunia, Pakar IPB University Banyak Konsumen Indonesia yang Belum Paham Haknya
News / Research

Commemorating World Consumer Rights Day every March 15, Prof Ujang Sumarwan, IPB University Family and Consumer Science Expert, conveyed the importance of education in an effort to build awareness of consumer rights.

“The role of academics is very important in educating the public about consumer rights. Education must be done more frequently and intensively, including to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to protect consumer interests,” he said.

This is done so that consumers are aware of their rights and can protect themselves from harmful services. Not only that, Prof Ujang Sumarwan also conveyed the importance of strengthening regulations and supervision. “So it is necessary to increase sanctions, especially for business actors who violate the rules,” he added.

In supporting the implementation of regulations, he emphasized the need for multi-stakeholder cooperation between academics, government, industry, and society. “We must jointly build awareness of consumer protection,” he said.

Prof Ujang explained that consumer rights that must be understood include the right to security, the right to correct information, the right to choose, and the right to compensation.

He also explained that until now, there are still many cases of consumer rights violations, such as food products that use dangerous preservatives, electronic equipment without safety certification. “These are examples of non-fulfillment of the right to clear information,” he explained.

Another case that often harms consumers is the occurrence of flight delays for hours without compensation. In fact, said Prof. Ujang, this has been regulated by rules and regulations.

In the financial sector, the number of illegal online loans (pinjol) is also a serious problem. “Many consumers become victims, there are even cases where consumers are used by others to collect borrowed money, even though they did not borrow,” he explained.

From various examples of these cases, Prof  Ujang emphasized the importance of supervision aspects to be carried out by various parties, including consumers. According to him, the supervision process is not sufficiently left to the security forces. Thus, the importance of the active role of consumers to protect themselves. 

“So, literacy about consumer rights must grow among consumers themselves to be able to avoid things that harm them,” he said.

The Indonesian government has made a number of regulations governing consumer protection, such as Law Number 8 Year 1999 on Consumer Protection.

World Consumer Rights Day was first commemorated on March 15, 1962, when US President John F Kennedy put forward four basic consumer rights in a speech to the US Congress. (dh) (IAAS/RMH)