This is the Difference between Generation X, Y, and Z in the World of Work According to IPB University Lecturer

This is the Difference between Generation X, Y, and Z in the World of Work According to IPB University Lecturer

Ini Perbedaan Generasi X, Y, dan Z di Dunia Kerja Menurut Dosen IPB University

Today, the world has entered an increasingly complex century. In the world of work, complexity is also starting to be felt. Never before in the work environment throughout history has there been such a wide age range of professional workers as there is today.

There are six distinct generations today, namely the pre-boomer generation (years born before 1946), the baby boomer generation (1946-1960), gen X (1961-1980), the Millennial generation (1981-1995), gen Z (1995-2010), and post gen Z (years born after 2010).  

In the workforce, there are at least four generations that are still active today, namely baby boomers, gen X, gen Y, and gen Z.

According to Lindawati Kartika, SE, MSi, a lecturer at the Management Department of IPB University, each generation certainly has its own perspective, style, and expectations with its own uniqueness. The same goes for the communication challenges and value systems they embrace.

“Unfortunately, as is often the case today, when the four generations come together in one community, frictions arise due to these differences,” she said.

Linda continued, the existence of several age generations in the workforce makes the work environment more complex because individuals with a wide age range will have different ways of thinking, habits, attitudes, values, and lifestyles.

According to her, the differences between one generation and another are influenced by a number of factors, including aspects such as:

  1. Economic circumstances 
  2. Technological advancement
  3. Changes in education and parenting patterns
  4. Increased needs (level of education, health, income for the household)
  5. Faster lifestyle
  6. Rapid access to media and information
  7. Increased expectations (for many things)

“In motivating performance, leaders need to understand the different expectations of each generation. Generation X values competency and results-based leadership, gen Y wants feedback and room to grow, while gen Z is more comfortable with leaders who act as facilitators and collaborators,” Linda explained.

Meanwhile, Linda continued, in terms of work ethic, gen X is known as a generation that prioritizes work-life balance. Gen Y or millennials tend to be more flexible and tech-savvy, and Gen Z brings digital innovation and new approaches to work. 

“Generation X is more comfortable with email and structured communication, while millennials prefer interaction through chat or video conferencing. Generation Z, who grew up in the digital age, prefers quick communication based on social media. Using various digital collaboration platforms can bring these different communication styles together,” she explains.

Linda provides advice for students or recent graduates (gen Z) to adapt well in a multigenerational work environment, namely:

  1. Continuous learning. Learn the hard skills and soft skills needed. 
  2. Attitude is everything. In addition to knowledge and skills, it is important to always have a professional attitude in a cross-generational workforce.
  3. Seek mentors who can provide the knowledge, experience, networking, and learning needed to prepare for the professional world.
  4. Understand yourself and always maintain physical, emotional and spiritual health to stay in good shape and happy in carrying out activities.
  5. Support system. It is important to get a support system that supports in managing tasks and self-development.
  6. Use digital technology, freely and require the precautionary principle in forming social awareness.
  7. Time management to be more productive. 

“In the end, gen Z as the dominant workforce today is also in control of managing their career journey. Therefore, gen Z needs to take responsibility for themselves to grow professionally and personally,” Linda concluded. (Lp)