Safe and Comfortable Homecoming with Children: Consider the Following Tips from IPB University’s Family and Consumer Science Expert

Safe and Comfortable Homecoming with Children: Consider the Following Tips from IPB University’s Family and Consumer Science Expert

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Homecoming is an annual tradition that many families look forward to, especially during eid. However, long trips often pose challenges, especially when done with children. Therefore, extra preparation is needed so that the homecoming trip remains safe, comfortable, and enjoyable.

Dr Yulina Eva Riany, IPB University’s Family and Consumer Science Expert provides some important tips for parents who are going home with children.

“First, make sure the child is fit and healthy. If necessary, parents can consult the child’s health condition before traveling,” said the lecturer of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences of IPB University.

Prepare important equipment for the family, such as healthy snacks, milk, clothes, medicines and other equipment needed. “Also prepare important documents such as identity cards and children’s health cards,” she added.

If you plan to go home by private vehicle, make sure the vehicle is in top condition. Dr Eva added, there should be a car seat that is appropriate for the age of the child for extra safety.

“If you are going to use public transportation, you should book tickets in advance so that you can choose a convenient time for children to travel. For air transportation, choose a flight schedule that does not interfere with children’s sleep time, prepare toys or snacks to distract them,” she advised.

For going home by train, Dr Eva suggests choosing a spacious seat and near the toilet. This position will make it easier when the child has to change diapers or go to the toilet.

“Avoid traveling in vehicles that are too full and do not have enough facilities for children,” she advised.

  1. As a parenting and child development expert, Dr Eva also provides some things that parents need to pay attention to during the homecoming trip, namely:
  2. Parents should bring comfortable clothes that are suitable for the weather at the destination.
  3. Don’t forget to provide healthy snacks and enough drinking water to prevent dehydration.
  4. If needed, don’t forget to bring basic medicines such as fever medicine, telon oil, band-aids, and wet wipes.
  5. Also bring some of your child’s favorite toys or books to avoid boredom during the trip.
  6. If the child is still using diapers, bring enough diapers and a changing mat.

In addition, she also explained some signs of fatigue in children when going home such as fussing, looking lethargic, yawning constantly, or not wanting to play. “For that, parents must anticipate it by giving children adequate rest time, either by sleeping or just sitting down,” she explained.

It is also important for parents to pay attention to the signs of dehydrated children. These include dry mouth, infrequent urination, sunken eyes, and pale skin.

To help children stay calm and not fussy, parents need to make sure children get enough sleep before the trip, invite children to play with their favorite toys or bring storybooks that can be read during the trip.

“Provide children’s songs or educational videos that can be listened to or watched. If possible, parents can take the time to stop for a walk and breathe fresh air, especially on road trips,” she added.

That way, said Dr Eva, the homecoming trip with children can remain enjoyable and become an unforgettable memory. (Lp)  (IAAS/LAN)