Professor of IPB University: Ramadan, a Mental Health Panacea

Fasting during Ramadan has so many benefits for a person. However, does fasting also have an impact on mental health?
According to Professor of IPB University, Prof Hamim, Ramadan is the right moment to improve one’s condition, both body and soul. The atmosphere of Ramadan, which is different from other months, can create a calmness that can help reduce stress and anxiety.
“Ramadan is a very important moment for muslims, because during the month of Ramadan Allah Swt makes the atmosphere and environment different from the usual months. In one of his sayings, Rasulullah SAW said that ‘…the devils will be shackled…,” said Prof Hamim.
Mental health problems are a condition that occurs in a person due to environmental factors or problems faced. This condition makes a person feel depressed and even personally haunted so that they end up facing unusual situations.
Prof Hamim added, one of the factors for a person to have mental health problems arises because of past backgrounds. In terms of psychology, Islam provides a solution, namely by getting closer to Allah Swt.
“Make this Ramadan a month to get closer to Allah by multiplying dhikr, reading the Qur’an for example, so that the soul becomes calm and asks forgiveness for all sins to live better in the future,” he said.
Ramadan in the context of a Muslim does not mean being detached from daily activities. In fact, said Prof Hamim, daily activities are colored with spiritual values because of Allah SWT.
“I am sure that activities such as lectures, research, discussions, and work will not be disrupted because of Ramadan, even all of that, for a Muslim, will be considered as worship,” he explained.
In the context of mental health, Prof Hamim continued, a person who is haunted by his sins and mentally burdened, in this month of Ramadan will be released from this burden.
Slowly, a person will return to Allah in a clear situation with a new spirit. Allah swt encourages good not to be mixed with bad. Good intentions and good execution will produce good results.
“Islam encourages us to achieve an optimal state of balance in Ramadan. Allah Swt promises that if a person is full of faith and earnest in worshiping Ramadan, Allah Swt will forgive past sins, no matter how dark our sins are,” he said.
“This is the time for us to balance and harmonize our lives with our vertical relationship with Allah, which is regulated by religion in one unit,” said Prof Hamim. (AS) (IAAS/LAN)