Professor of Food Nutrition Science at IPB University Reminds to Control the Consumption of Sugary Drinks During Ramadan

Professor of Food Nutrition Science at IPB University Reminds to Control the Consumption of Sugary Drinks During Ramadan

Profesor Ilmu Gizi Pangan IPB University Ingatkan untuk Mengontrol Konsumsi Minuman Manis Selama Ramadan
News / Research

During the month of Ramadan, sugary drinks are often the main choice for breaking the fast because they are considered to be able to restore energy quickly. However, excessive consumption of sugar in sugary drinks without control can have a negative impact on health. 

Based on the observations of IPB University’s Professor of Food Nutrition Science, Prof Budi Setiawan, in the month of Ramadan, especially when breaking the fast, there is a tendency to consume sweet foods or drinks.

“Aside from being a source of energy, the tendency to consume sweet foods or drinks when breaking the fast aims to immediately restore blood sugar levels that have decreased during fasting,” he said.

He continued, sweet foods and drinks also provide a sense of satisfaction and happiness due to the increase in serotonin hormone production due to carbohydrate and sugar intake.

Prof Budi said that sugar is an ingredient whose consumption must be limited because it is at the top of the balanced nutrition pyramid. According to the regulation on the consumption of sugar, salt, and fat (GGL), the daily limit of sugar is 50 grams or equivalent to 4 tablespoons.

“Excessive consumption of anything is of course not good, that’s why the guideline is balanced nutrition,” he said. 

The Impact of Sugary Drinks on Health

According to Prof Budi, consuming sugary drinks during breakfasting and sahur in excess certainly cannot fulfill balanced nutrition. In addition, there will be a tendency for the stomach to feel full, reducing the space for healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and protein sources that the body needs.

Prof Budi added that excessive sugar consumption will increase the risk of caries or tooth decay. The high consumption of sugar can also result in excessive energy intake that can increase body weight. 

“For people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM), sugar levels must be maintained. Excess sugar consumption in the body can in turn increase triglyceride levels in the blood, which is risky for people with heart disease. There can also be indigestion due to increased stomach acid,” he explains.

Alternative to Sugary Drinks

Prof Budi offers several healthier alternatives to sugary drinks, including young coconut water and fruit or vegetable juices. “What must be considered is that fruit or vegetable juice can be unhealthy if you add excessive sugar,” he added.

She also suggests healthier sweet fruits, such as dates, both fresh (ruthob) and dried dates. “However, of course, do not overdo it, just one or three,” added Prof Budi. (Lp) (IAAS/LAN)