IPB University Students Provide Assistance to Flood Victims in Cisarua, Bogor

In early March, the village of Tugu Selatan in Cisarua, Bogor, was hit by flash floods, affecting over 100 families. In response to this disaster, the IPB University Fisheries Resource Utilization Student Association (Himafarin) organized a fundraising campaign to support the affected victims in Tugu Selatan.
After collecting donations, the students from IPB University directly assisted the community impacted by the floods in Tugu Selatan, Cisarua District, Bogor Regency. This initiative involved 22 student representatives through the Himafarin Disaster Care Program (Himpena).
“The Himpena program focuses on emergency response actions to aid victims of natural disasters. This program is also a tangible form of our social responsibility as students, providing direct assistance to the community,” said Juan Febrian Panggabean, Chief of the Community and Environmental Development Department of Himafarin IPB.
Helvi, the President of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) of Tugu Selatan, expressed gratitude for the assistance from the students. Not only did they help distribute donations, but she also appreciated the students who actively engaged in helping the residents.
“I hope the kindness you have shown inspires many students across Indonesia to participate in humanitarian efforts. Because who else will initiate change if not the youth who dare to act? Let us make caring a culture, so that everyone affected by disasters does not feel alone,” she stated.
“I want to express my utmost pride and appreciation to the students who have sincerely helped the disaster victims in Cisarua, Bogor. Your actions not only demonstrate social concern but also serve as concrete evidence that Indonesian youth possess an extraordinary spirit of solidarity,” said Sukarna, Chairmam of RT 1 in Tugu Selatan.
The student representatives from IPB University also toured the affected areas to assess the condition of the homes impacted by the floods. The donations provided included 40 packages of basic necessities and hygiene kits, along with efforts to help residents clean up the debris left by the flood.
“We hope that the Himpena program can spark awareness and concern for others, not just in terms of value but also through actions that can spread benefits,” concluded Juan Febrian. (*/Cl) (IAAS/RIN)