IPB University Alumni from Minang Launches Lembaga Didikan Subuh (LDS)

IPB University alumni who are members of the Alumni Association of the Minang Student and Student Association (PAPMM) Bogor officially launched Lembaga Didikan Subuh (LDS).
The practice of didikan subuh is an educational approach that involves children from elementary to high school level since dawn. The activity begins by inviting children to the mosque for dawn prayers in congregation, followed by various didikan subuh activities.
The didikan subuh activities are very diverse, ranging from Islamic knowledge provision, Islamic life practices, to children’s creativity. All activities are centered in the mosque. This activity takes place from after dawn prayer until dawn time around 7 am every Saturday and Sunday.
For the Bogor area, the didikan subuh practice has been implemented and assisted by PAPMM alumni in three mosques in the Ciomas area. The implementation of this program is in collaboration with mosque administrators and IPB University students who are members of the Association of Minang Students and Students (IPMM) Bogor as assistants.
The didikan subuh program received a positive response from parents because it is an alternative to make children more productive on weekends. Usually at that time, children often spend time playing gadgets or other activities that are less useful.
As a follow-up to the program, PAPMM took the initiative to prepare the concept of LDS regeneration by conducting a trainer of trainer (ToT). The training was prepared for mosque administrators to become trainers and LDS assistants. The active involvement of mosque administrators is the key to the success of this program.
ToT Bogor received a warm welcome from mosque administrators in various regions. Chief executive Dr Yan Efri, who is also the Chairman of the LDS PAPMM, said that the first batch of ToT was attended by 42 participants from Bogor Regency, Bogor City, and Depok City.
“We will continue to develop this program and we will coordinate with various parties including religious offices in the region to further socialize the didikan subuh program for the younger generation,” he said.
PAPMM Chairman and IPMM advisor, Prof Yonvitner said, “PAPMM’s contribution to society must be real, touching and valuable, no matter how small the role is. This social innovation has a direct impact on society and must be continued, including the second batch of ToT training.”
In addition, this activity also received support from the Paguyuban Dosen Minang IPB led by Prof Khaswar Syamsu. According to him, all this cooperation is the modality of PAPMM to continue to touch the community more broadly. (IAAS/LAN)