How to Overcome Bloating During Iftar? IPB University’s Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Recommends This

Fasting brings many health benefits, but if not done carefully, it can also lead to certain health issues, especially when consuming meals during suhoor or iftar.
One common complaint during fasting is bloating or feeling uncomfortably full after eating. So, why does this happen?
Dr Mira Dewi, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, IPB University, explains that bloating is generally caused by gas buildup in the intestines. However, other factors such as food intolerance, constipation, and digestive disorders can also contribute to this condition.
There are several possible reasons why bloating occurs during fasting. One of them is dehydration, while another is consuming gas-producing foods, such as legumes.
“However, fasting itself does not cause bloating,” Dr Mira Dewi emphasized.
She added that bloating usually results from poor eating habits during suhoor or iftar, such as immediately consuming gas-producing foods when breaking the fast. People with acid reflux issues are often more prone to experiencing bloating.
To prevent bloating, Dr Mira suggests several measures, including eating slowly, avoiding bloating-triggering foods during suhoor and iftar, and not overeating at iftar. Those with lactose intolerance should also limit their milk consumption.
“In addition, stay hydrated by drinking enough water and engage in regular physical activity,” she advised. (AS) (IAAS/HPH)