Here are 5 Tips from IPB University Nutrition Expert to Make Your Ramadan Full of Benefits

Here are 5 Tips from IPB University Nutrition Expert to Make Your Ramadan Full of Benefits

Ini 5 Tips Pakar Gizi IPB University agar Puasamu Penuh Manfaat
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During Ramadan, your diet and daily activities change. Therefore, it is important for everyone who is fasting to adopt a lifestyle that supports health. 

IPB University Nutrition Expert, Prof Dr Hardinsyah provides five tips to keep your body in good shape during the fasting month. Here are the steps that can be applied to stay fit and achieve many benefits for those who fast.

1. Food during Sahur

Prof Hardin explained that the choice of food and beverage during sahur depends on the size and condition of the body, the level of activity, and the fasting goals to be achieved.

“For teenagers and adults (not pregnant women, nursing mothers, and no serious health problems), in general, the recommended consumption at dawn is 0.5-1 portion of staple food, 1-2 side dishes, 1 portion of vegetables, 1 portion of fruit and 2-3 glasses of drinks, especially water,” he explained.

For adults and teenagers with large and muscular bodies, it is recommended to consume more fiber-rich staple foods and low-fat side dishes to stay energetic during fasting.

He also emphasizes the principle of stopping before you are full. Each person can adjust the right portion of food for themselves according to this principle.

2. Foods to Avoid

Prof Hardinsyah said that foods that need to be limited during sahur and iftar are foods that are too dry, too oily/fatty, and foods that have never been consumed that have the potential to make the stomach uncomfortable. 

In addition, foods with extreme flavors, such as foods that are too spicy, too salty, too sour, and too sweet should also be avoided. 

3. Water Distribution Pattern

To prevent dehydration during fasting, he suggests consuming around 6-8 glasses of water every day within the allowed time. 

“The recommended distribution pattern is 1-2 glasses at iftar, 1-2 glasses at dinner, 1-2 glasses before bedtime, and 2-3 glasses at dawn and the end of dawn,” said Prof Hardin.

What about tea and coffee? Although they do not directly cause dehydration, in some people who are more sensitive to caffeine, consuming coffee, chocolate, or strong tea can trigger frequent urination.

“If you are sensitive to caffeine, you should limit or avoid these drinks. However, if it has become a habit, you can reduce the effect by reducing the amount consumed or diluting the tea or coffee consumed,” he said.

4. Right Time for Exercise 

Prof Hardin emphasized that exercise is still safe for healthy teenagers and adults while fasting. He said, the best time to exercise is in the morning, because the air is still fresh, oxygen levels are high, and there is exposure to beneficial ultraviolet B rays. 

“In addition, the cool morning atmosphere also helps relax the mind and eyes. Although exercise can also be done before breaking the fast or at night during the fasting month, the benefits obtained are not as optimal as if done in the morning, and will interfere with worship time,” he said.

5. Maintain Sleep Quality

“Sleeping well is important,” said Prof. Hardin. In general, the body needs 7 hours of sleep a day, except for children and the elderly. For those who are fasting, try to sleep 4-6 hours at night. To complement this, it is necessary to take a short nap of 20-40 minutes which is equivalent in benefits to 1-2 hours of sleep at night.

“In order to sleep well in the fasting month, learn from each other’s experiences, what are the sleep disturbing factors that need to be overcome and the sleep resting factors that need to be realized,” he added. (Lp) (IAAS/LAN)