Colorectal Cancer Threatens Gen Z, IPB University’s Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Speaks Out

Colorectal Cancer Threatens Gen Z, IPB University’s Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Speaks Out

Kanker Kolorektal Ancam Gen Z, Ini Kata Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran IPB University
News / Research

Cases of colorectal cancer among young people, including Gen Z, have risen significantly. According to Dr Sulpiana, M Biomed, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, IPB University, this growing threat is linked to both genetic factors and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Dr Sulpiana explained that genetics play a role in colorectal cancer, particularly for individuals with a family history of the disease.

“An unhealthy lifestyle, including lack of physical activity and an unbalanced diet, also significantly increases the risk of colorectal cancer in young adults,” she stated.

As a lecturer in Biomedical Histology, she further noted that early symptoms of colorectal cancer include changes in bowel habits, blood in the stool, abdominal pain or cramps, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.

For early detection, Dr Sulpiana recommends screening through colonoscopy before the age of 40, especially for those with a family history of colorectal cancer or a history of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

She also highlighted how technology and health apps can help Gen Z monitor their health, assess their risk of colorectal cancer, and access information on symptoms and risk factors.

Additionally, she emphasized the importance of adopting a healthy diet, increasing fruit, vegetable, and fiber intake, and reducing consumption of red meat and processed foods.

“Regular physical activity is also essential to maintaining a healthy weight and supporting gut health,” she advised. (dh) (IAAS/HPH)