A Total of 1,254 Landscape Architects Have Been Born by IPB University, Coloring the Indonesian Landscape

A Total of 1,254 Landscape Architects Have Been Born by IPB University, Coloring the Indonesian Landscape

Sebanyak 1.254 Arsitek Telah Dilahirkan IPB University, Warnai Landscape Indonesia

National Architecture Day on March 18 is a momentum to highlight the role of architecture in building a sustainable environment. IPB University with the Department of Landscape Architecture contributed to coloring the landscape field in Indonesia. 

Throughout its growth and development, IPB University has produced 1.254 graduates since 2005 – the year when Landscape Architecture was established as a department, after previously being under Agricultural Cultivation. These graduates have contributed to the field of tropical agromaritime.  2005 was the year when the Landscape Architecture department was established as a department, having previously been a study program under Agricultural Cultivation.

The superiority of IPB University Landscape Architecture graduates with other university graduates lies in the knowledge of plants and agriculture. This was conveyed directly by Dr Akhmad Arifin Hadi, Chairman of the Department of Landscape Architecture IPB University.

“IPB University Landscape Architecture is not only taught about drawing, but also knowledge about plants as an important element in the landscape. In addition, we are also introduced to things related to landscape plants such as soil science, slope, pests and diseases, and natural resource mapping,” he explained.

Dr Akhmad added, at the Department of Landscape Architecture IPB University students learn about agricultural landscapes and agro-tourism landscapes, so that graduates are equipped with superior plant biological knowledge.

“IPB University also contributes in producing landscape architect graduates who become superior human resources (HR) on a national and international scale,” he said.

Here are some contributions of IPB University landscape architecture:

  1. Producing superior human resources for Bachelor (S1) and Master (S2) graduates of Landscape Architecture in Indonesia.
  2. Developing the science of landscape architecture through research and community service, especially in the field of tropical agromaritime landscape, which becomes a reference in landscape development in Indonesia.
  3. Active in landscape planning, design, and management projects in Indonesia.

“IPB University Landscape Architecture graduates are also involved in the construction of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), namely as consultants, contractors, and construction supervisors,” explained Dr Akhmad.

He explained that IPB University Landscape Architecture has the latest innovation in the field of edible garden and garden tower. Both are forms of urban gardens filled with plants useful for food and health. 

“Currently, edible gardens and garden towers have been built in villages around the IPB University campus and are in the process of expanding to a wider area, to support food security and the Free Nutritious Meal program,” he explained.

He said, the career prospects of IPB University Landscape Architecture graduates are very bright, because they have a waiting period for the majority of jobs under six months. In addition, many graduates are also entrepreneurs.

Luthfi Nur Ilman, one of the successful alumni who is now a Managing Director and Principal Art & Designer, said studying at ARL IPB University was very memorable in all aspects. 

“Incidentally, I studied in accordance with the department I aspired to, namely Landscape Architecture. Currently I have a business by creating my own design consultant, Luthfi Nur Ilman Business Location Designer,” said the 55th batch student.

Here are the job prospects of IPB University’s Landscape Architecture Department:

  1. Landscape planner and designer in architecture/landscape architecture consulting companies.
  2. Landscape contractor in landscape construction companies, government agencies, private sector, BUMN.
  3. Landscape manager in various companies, especially offices, tourist areas or mining / plantation companies that involve land management.
  4. Nurseryman is an entrepreneur who cultivates ornamental landscape plants, provides indoor plant rental services for offices, and others.