Issuing Circular of Savings in the Campus Environment, This is an Efficiency Step Ala IPB University

Issuing Circular of Savings in the Campus Environment, This is an Efficiency Step Ala IPB University

Terbitkan Edaran Penghematan di Lingkungan Kampus, Ini Langkah Efisiensi Ala IPB University

As a form of support for budget saving policies, IPB University through the Vice Rector for Resource Resilience and Infrastructure issued a Circular Letter for Electricity Saving. The circular is addressed to the heads of work units within IPB University.

In the circular, the Vice Rector for Resource Resilience and Infrastructure, Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet explained the steps to save/efficiency in the use of electric power.

Work units that have teaching industry/factory facilities, green houses, cool storage, and industrial machines that use electric motors with large electric power are encouraged to make efficiency by reducing operating hours. Meanwhile, units that use these facilities/equipment for income generating activities are required to pay electricity bills independently.

Furthermore, the circular also mentions restrictions on elevator operations. Buildings that have two elevator units can only operate one elevator unit per day in turn. 

It also regulates the use of air conditioners (AC), lighting, and other electrical devices in lecture rooms, laboratories, and other academic facilities. The use of these devices is adjusted to the activity schedule and must be turned off if not needed.

Arrangements for the use of air conditioners outside of academic activities begin at 10:00 to 16:00 WIB with a temperature setting between 23-25°C or adjusted to the needs. 

“AC must be turned off if not needed by prioritizing the use of air ventilation / windows. Rooms that use more than one AC unit are encouraged to operate a maximum of 50 percent of the available AC,” said Dr Alim.

During working hours, the use of lighting outside academic activities such as workspaces, meeting rooms, and lobbies should not exceed 50 percent of the normal lighting capacity.

“Work unit leaders are expected to assign the head of administration (KTU)/supervisor/technician to ensure the implementation of efficiency measures in their respective units,” explained Dr Alim.

In addition, he continued, work unit leaders together with the Directorate of General and Infrastructure (DUI) will conduct supervision to ensure that efficiency measures have been carried out properly.

In anticipation of the budget savings carried out by the government at this time, IPB University has also previously issued a Circular Letter on Expenditure Efficiency in 2025. This circular is in accordance with the direction of the Board of Trustees (MWA) in the Work Plan and Budget (RKA) of IPB in 2025. 

A number of efficiency measures were taken, namely:

  1. Reducing expenditure on meeting packages outside the office / consignment by optimizing meeting activities in the office. In the case of important and urgent activities that must be carried out through out-of-office meeting package activities, the implementation of these activities must obtain recommendations from the leaders of the respective coordinating units (Rector/Vice Rector/Secretary of the Institute/Dean/Chairman of Agency/Chairman of Institution).
  2. Limiting official travel expenditures that are less priority and do not have a direct impact on the achievement of program/activity outputs. In the case of important and urgent activities that must be carried out through foreign official travel activities, the implementation of these activities must obtain recommendations from the Rector/Vice Rector of IPB.
  3. Conducting efficiency and optimization of office operational expenditures by limiting the allocation of procurement of office operational vehicles, fuel, office stationery (ATK), purchase of electronic equipment/computers/laptops, office household equipment, purchase of souvenirs, and uniforms and reducing overtime activities.
  4. Make efficient use of electricity, water, gas by turning them off when not in use.
  5. Capacity building / work-life balance activities and the like can be carried out by measuring the ability of the available budget in each work unit, and held only on the island of Java with the provision of only using land transportation. (IAAS/LAN)