IPB University wins Indonesia Top Achievements Awards 2025

IPB University wins Indonesia Top Achievements Awards 2025

IPB University Sabet Indonesia Top Achievements Awards 2025
Achievement / News

IPB University won the Top Achievements Awards 2025 as a World Class Indonesian Agricultural University. This award was given by MetroTV together with Indonesia Media (IDM) and Salutee at Metro TV Grand Studio, Jakarta (14/2).

On the same occasion, the Rector of IPB University also won the Excellence Leadership for Global Reputation award.

“Thank you Metro TV for giving an award to IPB University in the Top Achievements Awards 2025,” said Rector of IPB University when receiving the award at Metro TV Grand Studio, Jakarta (14/2).

IPB University is considered worthy of this award because of its strong international reputation, excellent quality of education and research, and real contribution to society. 

In the QS World University Ranking 2025 by Subject Agriculture and Forestry, IPB University is ranked 45th in the world, 8th in Asia, and 1st in Southeast Asia for three consecutive years.

IPB University’s innovations have also had a broad impact on society. In the last five years, IPB University has reached 6.675 villages, or 8,81 percent of villages in Indonesia, through various innovations in the field of agromaritime. 

IPB University comes through various innovations, including 123 superior varieties, including IPB 3S which has been applied in 26 provinces, with productivity reaching 12 tons per hectare. 

IPB University’s fisheries technology has even been applied by fishermen in Madagascar. With strong empowerment from IPB University, the innovative products of IPB University-assisted farmers have also successfully entered the world market.

Rector stated, in accordance with the theme of IPB University 2027 as Global Leadership in Innopreneurship, IPB University is committed to continuing to present innovations that have an impact on both society and industry. Not only at the national level, but also on a global scale.

“IPB University focuses on impact. This is a consequence of IPB University’s vision of becoming an innopreneur university, a concept of how to utilize innovation for society,” he said. 

Prof Arif hopes that this award can spur universities to continue to contribute through innovations that provide solutions to various problems. Because, he emphasized, the vision of the Golden Indonesia 2045 must be supported by two things: innovation and superior human resources.

“Thank you to the people of IPB University, leaders, lecturers, education staff, students, alumni who have always worked together in order to continue to strengthen concrete steps to realize our motto, Inspiring Innovation with Integrity,” he concluded. (Rz) (IAAS/RUM)