IPB University Professor Designs Transdisciplinary Method for Sustainable Capture Fisheries Development

IPB University Professor Designs Transdisciplinary Method for Sustainable Capture Fisheries Development

Guru Besar IPB University Rancang Metode Transdisiplin untuk Pembangunan Perikanan Tangkap Berkelanjutan
News / Research

A professor from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) at IPB University, Prof Sugeng Hari Wisudo, has developed a transdisciplinary method for sustainable and equitable capture fisheries development.

“Capture fisheries development cannot stand alone; it is influenced by many sectors, including agriculture and mining, which affect water ecosystems. Therefore, fisheries issues cannot be resolved within a single sector,” he stated during a press conference ahead of the IPB University Professorial Scientific Oration on Thursday (6/2).

He explained that the design of a sustainable and equitable capture fisheries system integrates various methodological approaches to address complex governance challenges.

The system framework utilizes Hard System Methodology (HSM) to produce a dynamic and adaptive model that supports sustainable capture fisheries management.

Meanwhile, he continued, Soft System Methodology (SSM) can be applied to address social issues and multi-stakeholder conflicts. This approach generates a model that responds to social, economic, and ecological challenges.

“The combination of these two approaches allows for the development of a capture fisheries model adaptable to various regions by analyzing the integration of policies based on complex socio-economic ecosystems,” he elaborated.

Prof Sugeng emphasized that the concept of a sustainable and equitable capture fisheries system requires a comprehensive approach. This is essential to address critical challenges such as fisher poverty, overexploitation, and marine ecosystem degradation.

“A transdisciplinary approach serves as a crucial foundation for realizing this system by involving cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration to achieve inclusive, adaptive, and sustainable management,” he explained.

In addition to successfully designing a macro-level policy and governance model for sustainable and equitable capture fisheries using HSM and SSM, the system approach can also be applied on a micro scale.

This is achieved through innovative technological engineering specifically designed for small-scale capture fisheries. “The systems approach provides strategic solutions for managing the complexities of capture fisheries,” added Prof Sugeng.

His research consistently demonstrates that a systems approach, through the development of transdisciplinary methodologies (integrating multiple disciplines and cross-sector collaboration), is key to addressing the complexities of the capture fisheries sector from upstream to downstream. (dh) (IAAS/RUM)