IPB University Invites Xiamen University Delegation, China, Formulates Blue Economics Research Cooperation

IPB University Invites Xiamen University Delegation, China, Formulates Blue Economics Research Cooperation

IPB University Datangkan Delegasi Xiamen University, Tiongkok, Rumuskan Kerja Sama Riset Blue Economics

The International Research Institute for Maritime, Marine and Fisheries (LRI i-MAR) IPB University held a Strategic Lecture and Courtesy Meeting with delegates from the School of Economics, and Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University (XMU) held in Building A, Teak Room, School of Business, IPB University (10/2).

This activity is an initiation of cross-institutional collaboration between WISE-XMU China, IPB University, and the National Agency for Research and Innovation of The Republic of Indonesia (BRIN). School of Economics and WISE XMU delegates who attended, namely Associate Professor Zhi Li and Assistant Professor Zhuzhu Zhou.

Chairman of i-MAR, Prof Luky Adrianto said in the opening of the Courtesy Meeting, “Cooperation with XMU in the field of blue economics is the most potential, including activities that produce solutions to problems in Indonesia regarding carbon tax, green washing, carbon offset markets and co-benefits from carbon offset.”

Prof Ernan Rustiadi, Vice Rector of IPB University for Research, Innovation, and Agromaritime Development expects collaboration with XMU to produce cooperation through research and staff/student exchange including double degree programs and collaborative research supported by matching funds.

In addition, Prof Fredinan Yulianda as Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) expressed his appreciation for this activity. This meeting aims to formulate academic and research cooperation in the field of blue carbon and marine resources. “We hope this discussion can be followed up between IPB University and WISE-XMU,” he said.

The activity continued with a Strategic Lecture presented by Assoc Prof Zhi Li and Assist Prof Zhuzhu Zhou. This activity was flooded with participants who had a background in marine and fisheries and economics. This lecture was even more interesting because it ended with a presentation of Scholarship Opportunities from the Xiamen University International Admission Info Session 2025 Program. 

This collaboration with WISE-XMU China was initiated by a number of faculties/schools at IPB University including the School of Business (SB), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), and Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM).

Also the International Research Institute for Environment and Climate Change (LRI LPI), the International Research Institute for Social, Economic and Regional Development (LRI PSEK), the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL), the Environmental Research Center (PPLH), the Southeast Asia and Pacific Region Climate Opportunities and Risk Management Study (CCROM-SEAP), and the BRIN Center for Research on Industrial Economics, Services and Trade (PR EIJP). (DY/KT) (IAAS/LAN)