IPB University and Al-Azhar University – Cairo Agendize Postgraduate Education Cooperation

IPB University and Al-Azhar University – Cairo Agendize Postgraduate Education Cooperation

IPB University dan Universitas Al-Azhar - Kairo Agendakan Kerja Sama Pendidikan Pascasarjana

The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University received a visit from a delegation of Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, Al-Shaikh Nashruddin Isham al-Tamadi, recently.

One of the lecturers of Qira’at Science and Al-Quran Science of Al-Azhar University conveyed, the purpose of his visit to SPs IPB University in order to explore cooperation in postgraduate education.

“We are willing to be a liaison between SPs IPB University and Al-Azhar University – Cairo if you want to visit the Middle East to continue this postgraduate education cooperation,” he said.

SPs IPB University itself is initiating cooperation with Middle Eastern countries, one of which is Libya. In this cooperation, it is planned to send 30 students this year, and the number will continue to grow every year.

“We plan in April to go to King Faisal University and King Saud University, Riyadh Saudi Arabia and if possible we will go to Al-Azhar University to follow up on educational cooperation,” said Dean of SPs IPB University, Prof. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat.

Prof Dodik explained that this cooperation could be carried out in this odd semester with the follow-up of Indonesian representatives in Cairo. Currently, the number of Indonesian students at Al-Azhar University – Cairo is approximately 12 thousand students and many want to continue their studies in Indonesia, including IPB University.

“For now, we prioritize students from Indonesia first to be able to continue their studies at SPs IPB University, in the future we plan to make Double Degree, Joint Degree or other programs,” he explained.

Prof Dodik added, SPs IPB University offers 57 master programs and 43 doctoral programs. Students can choose study programs (prodi) according to their interests and fields, one of which is the Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program.

“Prospective students can also choose a concentration in Islamic fields such as waqf or halal science in the Agro-Maritime Logistics Study Program. We can later develop these programs together such as writing scientific articles and mentoring in accordance with Islam,” he added.

Also present in the activity from SPs IPB University, Prof Yusli Wardiatno ( Vice Dean of Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni), Prof Titi Candra Sunarti ( Vice Dean of Resources, Cooperation, and Development) and delegation representatives from Al-Azhar University – Cairo. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)