SPs IPB University Socializes the Alignment of K2020 with Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023
The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a socialization related to the alignment of the 2020 Curriculum (K2020) with the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 of 2023.
The event, which was held online, was attended by various important parties within IPB University, including the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Deans and Vice Deans from all faculties and schools, SPs Commission, and Heads of Masters and Doctoral Study Programs.
In his speech, Prof Deni Noviana, Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, explained that this alignment was a strategic step to meet the internal needs of IPB University while supporting national policies.
“Permendikbudristek No 53 Year 2023 mandates the implementation of a maximum of two years since its issuance. Therefore, the existing rules must be adjusted immediately,” said Prof Deni.
He also emphasized the importance of adjustments for Double Degree programs and international accreditation in several study programs.
“As a World Class University, SPs must continue to increase the number of new students every year. We urge all deans and heads of study programs to strengthen promotional efforts to achieve this target,” he added.
Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of SPs IPB University said that this socialization had been prepared since last year. The K2020 alignment draft that has been prepared through long consultations and discussions with the SPs Commission is now ready to be implemented.
“We are grateful for the support of various parties. Hopefully the 2025 Curriculum can be published soon and implemented in the odd semester of the 2025/2026 academic year,” he said.
Meanwhile, Prof Yusli Wardiatno, SPs Vice Dean for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, added that the Double Degree program requires flexibility and a clearer definition of flexibility.
He also highlighted the need to add different final project assessment instruments for thesis and dissertation as an adjustment to this alignment effort.
“Prodi must start preparing for the implementation of Curriculum 2025 through curriculum workshops,” he said.
As the main speaker, Prof Yulin Lestari, Director of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology of IPB University, explained that currently IPB University is designing rules related to non-thesis and non-dissertation final assignments. “We hope this regulation can be completed in March 2025 so that it can be socialized immediately,” she concluded.
With this effort, SPs IPB University is optimistic that curriculum alignment will support a more progressive educational transformation while meeting national and international standards. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)