Free Nutritious Meal Program, Discussion with IPB University Nutrition Expert

Free Nutritious Meal Program, Discussion with IPB University Nutrition Expert

Program Makan Bergizi Gratis, Diskusi Bersama Pakar Gizi IPB University
News / Research

The Muslimah Intellectual Community at IPB University consisting of professors, lecturers, and students held Muslimah Agricultural Talks #2 recently. In this discussion, IPB University Nutrition Expert Prof Ikeu Tanziha was present as a resource person.

The discussion titled “Indonesia’s Food Condition and the Free Nutritious Meal Program” aimed to educate the women activists present about the description of Indonesia’s human resource development program through the Free Nutritious Meal and the reality of national food security conditions.

In opening the forum, Dr Nur Rochmah Kumalasari, IPB University lecturer and advisor of “Muslimah Agricultural Talks”, said that food issues are important to discuss considering that IPB University is a campus closely related to food security. The Free Nutritious Meal Program is one of the actual and strategic issues that need to be studied.

“Nutrition is very essential,” said Prof Ikeu Tanziha, a lecturer at the Department of Public Nutrition of IPB University in her presentation. Without good nutrition, a child has the potential to have a low IQ. 

She said, one of the efforts that need to be done is to provide nutritious food to children (toddlers and toddlers), as well as to mothers who are pregnant and breastfeeding.  

The nutritious feeding program is a strategic program that requires the collaboration of various parties. In this case, the role and power of the government is needed. 

Prof Ikeu Tanziha explained that farmers, ranchers and fishermen as food providers need to be involved; Bulog needs to be collaborated with; cooperatives need to be trained by the government; and educational institutions need to be coordinated by the Education Office.

“With good nutrition, children develop well, and IQ rises,” concluded Prof. Ikeu Tanziha. In the long run, this nutritious meal program is expected to encourage Indonesia to achieve the Golden Indonesia 2045. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)