Using Spatial Data Application, Dospulkam IPB University Helps Planning and Programming of Simpangan Bekasi Village
The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University through the 2024 Dosen Pulang Kampung (Dospulkam) program aims to help village problems in compiling spatial data. This data can help planning and preparation of village programs based on the potential in each region.
Training on the preparation of spatial data on village economic development was conducted in Simpangan Village, North Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency, West Java. The preparation of spatial data uses the Geographical Information System (GIS) application.
Dr Adi Hadianto, the Team Leader of Dospulkam IPB University program said that Simpangan Village is one of the densely populated villages and the center of commercial and industrial activities. This village faces problems in managing spatial and spatial data of socio-economic development.
“The village government does not have adequate skills in utilizing GIS technology to assist the planning process. The RT and RW boundary data available in the village is still hand-drawn and not digitally integrated,” he said.
This activity involves mapping village administrative boundaries up to the RT/RW level, focusing on socio-economic and village development data, as well as their spatial characteristics.
“The implementation method is carried out through several stages, namely collecting secondary spatial data, making RW boundary data, collecting socio-economic data, compiling databases and spatial displays, and training village officials,” said Dr Adi.
It should be noted that development planning is the key in determining the direction of development that is better, right on target, and in accordance with the predetermined development targets.
“In the midst of the accelerating dynamics of social change characterized by technological changes that continue to develop, it requires all development planners in a region to be more adaptive and on target in preparing development programs that are the needs of the community,” Dr Adi explained.
GIS is a technology that plays an important role in planning and development in various fields, including at the village level. The use of GIS allows visualization of spatial data that can provide a better understanding of the spatial distribution of various aspects of people’s lives.
“This technology is increasingly being applied in resource management, spatial planning, and decision-making in the government sector. With the ability to map and analyze spatial data, GIS makes a significant contribution in helping stakeholders to make more accurate and efficient planning,” continued Dr Adi.
The use of GIS technology is needed by the village government as a basis for decision-making in monitoring economic development programs and more efficient spatial planning of village areas.
Dr Adi said, “With this spatial information system, villages will know the description of the regional structure and other important information related to the potential of local resources,” he added.
However, the fundamental problem faced by villages is the capacity of human resources (HR) in compiling and presenting village potential data in a more informative and up to date manner. Therefore, this data can be used as a database in planning village programs and development that is more targeted and in accordance with the conditions and needs of the community in each location.
“Here, the role of various parties, including universities, is very important in helping to overcome these problems,” continued Dr Adi.
Furthermore, Dr Adi hopes that this activity can provide spatial data on economic development down to the RW level, as well as increase the capacity of the Simpangan Village apparatus in preparing spatial data on the village economy.
“This is beneficial for the village government in monitoring economic development programs and spatial planning of the village area more efficiently,” he said. (*/Nr) (IAAS/RUM)