UPM Delegation Visit to IPB University Discussing the Initiation of Dual Degree Program for Master of Nutrition Science
The delegation of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited IPB University in order to discuss the initiation of a dual degree program for Master of Nutrition Science.
The main focus of this visit was to discuss the initiation of a dual degree master program between IPB University and UPM, including adjustments to the number of credits, planning program schemes and schedules, and overcoming challenges that may arise.
The UPM delegation consisted of Prof Zalilah Mohd Shariff (Dean of the Graduate School), Prof Loh Su Peng (Chairperson of the Department of Nutrition), Prof Narhaizan Mohd Esa (Coordinator of the Master of Nutrition Science Program), and Prof Azrina Azlan (Professor at the Department of Nutrition).
This visit was received by the ranks of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University in a hybrid manner (9/12), represented by Dr Zuraidah Nasution (Secretary of the Department), Prof Rimbawan (Chair of the Nutrition Science Postgraduate Study Program), and Dr Eny Palupi (Secretary of the Nutrition Science Postgraduate Study Program).
In addition, the strategic discussion was also attended by Prof Yusli Wardiatno (Vice Dean of Graduate School/SPs IPB University for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni), Indri Hapsari Fitriyani, SP, MSi (Assistant Director of International Education Planning and Development) and Dr drh Dordia Anindita Rotinsulu (Assistant Director of International Program Services).
One of the main challenges is the adjustment of the number of semester credit units (SKS) at IPB University to be in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 of 2023. This adjustment has implications that require special attention, especially regarding the harmonization of financing schemes between the two institutions.
In the discussion, it was also considered how this policy can be harmonized in order to maintain the comfort of students from both countries, including Malaysian students who continue their studies at UPM through this program.
The goal of this dual degree cooperation program is designed to create alumni who are ready to compete in the global arena in the field of nutrition science, while providing international academic facilities that support collaboration between countries. The agreed principles of cooperation include complementary, inclusivity, flexibility, sustainability, and global-adaptivity, as well as reciprocality.
In the discussion, Prof. Yusli Wardiatno said that SPs IPB University strongly supports this cooperation initiative because it will provide great benefits for students of both institutions in facing global challenges.
“Although there are obstacles such as SKS adjustments, we are optimistic that with good collaboration, innovative solutions will be found so that this program can run smoothly and sustainably,” he said.
Regarding academic transparency, Indri Hapsari Fitriyani, SP, MSi emphasized the importance of clearly listing the status of dual degree programs in academic transcripts. This is to ensure that program participants do not misunderstand and claim to have attended a full education of two years each at IPB University and UPM.
“A clear indication in official documents such as transcripts will help maintain the integrity and accuracy of academic information,” she explained.
This discussion is the first step in exploring deeper academic cooperation between IPB University and UPM. Hopefully, this dual degree master’s program can become a forum for the development of superior human resources and strengthen academic relations between the two institutions.
This collaboration also shows the commitment of IPB University and UPM in supporting higher education that is adaptive to global needs, while answering the challenges of sustainable development through mutually beneficial collaboration. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)