IPB University’s ARL Master Study Program Presents Recommendations for Mangrove Landscape Management in Muara Angke Jakarta

Students of the Master of Landscape Architecture (ARL) Study Program of IPB University held an exposition of the results of the study of Sustainable Landscape Management Course (ARL1531).
This study was conducted on three mangrove landscapes in DKI Jakarta, namely Angke Mangrove Wildlife Sanctuary (SMMA), Angke Mangrove Ecotourism (EMA), and Angke Kapuk Nature Tourism Park (TWAAK).
The exposition was held in a hybrid manner with the theme “Integrated Sustainable Mangrove Landscape Management of Muara Angke Jakarta”.
Dr Afra DN Makalew, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of IPB University for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni attended online, while Prof Hadi Susilo Arifin as the course coordinator and Dr Kaswanto as the lecturer attended offline.
The presentation was addressed to the managers of the three mangrove landscapes as a recommendation for sustainable landscape management. The managers are the Jakarta Natural Resources Conservation Center, the Jakarta City Parks and Forestry Office, and PT Murinda Karya Lestari (MKL).
Prof Hadi Susilo Arifin said that the ARL1531 course is filled with 10 regular students and 10 synergy students. He hopes the two can complement each other.
“The study, which is based on site visits and analysis, has an integrated management theme. That means this study is from various perspectives, multidisciplinary, even transdisciplinary,” he explains.
The final product is not a scientific report, but a semi-popular concept applied to papers, power points, posters, and videos that complement each other.
“Thank you to Dr Kaswanto who has accompanied the students to the field and of course to the students who have struggled well to prepare this expose event,” said Prof Hadi.
The presentation of the final product began with the screening of the output video and presentation of material by Dewa Fahtiar. The video includes existing information on the three mangrove landscapes and development recommendations in an attractive audio-visual presentation.
In the video also presented testimonials and expectations of mangrove landscapes from the three managers and lecturers.
The material presented is quite comprehensive from all aspects related to sustainability, namely ecological, economic and social aspects. Students provide integrated tourism recommendations and networking support to realize sustainable landscape management.
Secretary of the ARL Department of IPB University, Rossy Damayanti, who was also present offline, said that the combination of regular students and synergy students collaborated with each other in expressing their respective ideas.
He hopes that the programs and outputs that are packaged with semi-popular concepts can be accepted by the general public and become traces of student contributions from learning outcomes. “Hopefully the knowledge gained can be useful and a blessing for all of us,” he said.
On this occasion, Hendra Gunawan, the manager of TWAAK from PT MKL, was quite impressed with the final results that were not only related to spatial recommendations, but also comprehensive in all aspects, especially tourism development.
“We often feel alone, we have not seen the potential from outside that can actually be invited to collaborate and synergize, so for the plan to extend business rights in the field of natural tourism facilities and services later we will try this recommendation,” he concluded.
“Tourism collaboration between SMMA, EMA, and TWAAK has never been done, let alone with other attractions and sectors, this should be a potential to be developed,” Hendra continued.
Finally, Dr Kaswanto closed the event with several notes, namely the importance of tour packages to support tourism integration with networking support, as well as pentahelix collaboration which should be a medium for disseminating this concept so that the recommendations made do not stop here. (*/Nr) (IAAS/RUM)