IPB University Postgraduate School PSL Doctoral Programme Prepares for International Accreditation

IPB University Postgraduate School PSL Doctoral Programme Prepares for International Accreditation

Prodi Doktor PSL Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Bersiap Akreditasi Internasional

IPB University’s Natural Resources and Environmental Management (PSL) Doctoral Study Programme is preparing itself for international accreditation in 2025. According to the Vice Dean of SPs IPB University for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, the PSL Doctoral Programme is the most ready to apply for international accreditation.

“The PSL Doctoral Programme is the most prepared programme to apply for international accreditation at SPs. Hopefully, getting international accreditation will be followed by more foreign students continuing their studies,” said Prof Yusli during the International Accreditation Planning Workshop at the Ibis Style Hotel, Bogor (23/11). 

With this accreditation, he continued, the PSL Doctoral Programme can also open international classes, and is expected to be able to increase its visibility, so that it is increasingly recognised worldwide.

Chairperson of the PSL Doctoral Programme at IPB University, Prof Widiatmaka explained that the PSL Doctoral Programme has received “Excellent” accreditation from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN PT) since 2022. Therefore, international accreditation is the next step in accordance with the institution’s internationalisation programme.

“So far, we have conducted international programmes. Among others, the biennial International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management (ISeNREM) since 2019,” he explained.

In addition, the study programme is also actively involved in the Erasmus+ University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN4DRR) programme, international guest lecturer programme, and currently has two international students.

Prof Widiatmaka added, PSL Doctoral Program is the main driver together with the Environmental Research Centre (PPLH) of IPB University for publishing Scopus indexed international journals, namely the Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (JPSL). This journal can be accessed through the page https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jpsl.

This workshop aims to prepare the PSL Doctoral Programme of IPB University towards international accreditation in 2025. This activity presented speakers Dr I Wayan Nurjaya (Chief of Quality Management Office/KMM IPB University), Dr Maryono (Chief of Environmental Science Study Program Diponegoro University/UNDIP) and Puji Mudiana, SP, MS (Director of International Education/DPI IPB University).

Also present were Prof Lina Karlinasari (Secretary of PSL Doctoral Study Programme), lecturers of Higher Education Data Base (PDDikti), Quality Control Group (GKM), course coordinators, and teachers of PSL Doctoral Study Programme.

“Currently, IPB University’s PSL Study Programme is actively part of the core team that compiles the Architectural Environmental Planning Design Self-Accreditation Agency (LAM Depilar). In the future, this LAM will play an important role in carrying out accreditation, especially for environmental study programmes,” explained Prof Lina.

The workshop ended with sharing and discussion related to filling out ASIIN international accreditation forms and clustering strategies in applying for accreditation. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)