IPB University Ecological Genetics Expert Reveals Differences in Nutritional Value of Each Chicken Cutlet

IPB University Ecological Genetics Expert Reveals Differences in Nutritional Value of Each Chicken Cutlet

Pakar Genetika Ekologi IPB University Ungkap Perbedaan Nilai Gizi pada Setiap Potongan Daging Ayam
News / Research

Prof Ronny Rachman Noor, Ecological Genetics Expert at IPB University, revealed the differences in nutrition in each piece of chicken meat.

According to him, the nutritional value of poultry products is highly dependent on genetic factors such as poultry breeds. In addition, environmental factors such as maintenance and feed management also give influence.

Nutritional Value Comparison

“Not many people know that chicken meat as a relatively affordable source of protein has now become the mainstay of national protein sources. However, the nutritional content is different for each part of the body such as breast, thigh, and wing,” said Prof Ronny.

He explained that every 100 grams (gr) of chicken meat generally contains 24-32 gr of protein, depending on the body part.

“As an illustration, for every 100 grams of skinless chicken breast, the protein content reaches 32 grams. This content is greater than the other parts. In addition, chicken breast also contains low calories, amounting to 166 calories (cal),” he said.

With nutritional content like this, it is no wonder that chicken breast is the choice for adherents of a healthy lifestyle, even though the price is more expensive compared to other parts of chicken meat.

Meanwhile, the part of the chicken that is also in high demand is the upper thigh. “Every 100 grams of skinless upper thigh contains 25 grams of protein with higher calories, which is 176 cal,” he explained.

If we pay attention, the color of the upper thigh meat is darker than the color of chicken breast meat. According to Prof Ronny, this is because the upper thigh is more active compared to other parts of the body. This part also contains myoglobin, which is an oxygen-supplying molecule for active muscles.

Furthermore, Prof Ronny explained that for every 100 grams of skinless lower thighs, there are 24 grams of protein and 149 calories.

He revealed, “If we observe, many people consume lower thighs with skin. In fact, if there is skin, the calories will be higher, which is 156 calories per 100 grams of drumstick,” he explained.

Meanwhile, another part of chicken meat that has a lot of demand is wings. Every 100 grams of chicken wing contains 24 grams of protein with higher calories, which is 254 calories.

“The higher calories are due to the fact that the fat from the skin is more in the wings, which makes the taste more savory,” he added.

Cholesterol Content of Chicken Meat

Cholesterol content is certainly a consideration in choosing chicken cuts. Prof Ronny explained, the cholesterol content in 100 gr of chicken breast is 85 milligrams (mg) or covers 28 percent of daily cholesterol needs.

Meanwhile, the lower chicken thigh contains 67 mg of cholesterol. Then, skinless upper thigh meat contains higher cholesterol, which is 98 mg.

“For fans of chicken wings, it should be noted that 100 gr of chicken wings contain the highest cholesterol, which is 111 mg. This becomes even worse if the chicken wings are fried,” she said.

Furthermore, facts show that the cholesterol content of chicken breast is lower than the cholesterol content of chicken eggs.

However, Prof Ronny continued, the increase in blood cholesterol levels from the eggs we consume is not as high as if we consume saturated fat from other animal protein sources.

From various research results, Prof Ronny revealed that the cholesterol content of chicken meat is lower than red meat such as beef, mutton, and lamb. In addition, red meat contains higher saturated fatty acids compared to chicken meat.

“Basically, eating red meat, fried foods and baked goods will increase the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Fried foods contain higher cholesterol. In addition, processed foods including chicken usually contain higher cholesterol and saturated fatty acids,” she explains.

So, Which Part to Choose?

Chicken meat is an excellent source of protein at a more affordable price when compared to other protein sources such as beef. In addition to the protein content, the calorie and cholesterol content of chicken meat also needs to be considered.

Prof Ronny urges, if you want to reduce weight, then the best source of protein is chicken breast because it has the highest protein content, low energy, and low cholesterol.

“However, for people who want to increase muscle mass or gain weight, the right choice is the upper thigh, lower thigh or wing. Be wise in choosing and be healthy,” he said, ending his explanation. (*/Nr) (IAAS/NAU)