In order to prepare and support the Free Nutritious Meal Program, BKSAP held a discussion with a number of food and nutrition experts from IPB University.

In order to prepare and support the Free Nutritious Meal Program, BKSAP held a discussion with a number of food and nutrition experts from IPB University.

Persiapkan Program Makan Bergizi Gratis, BKSAP Jalin Diskusi dengan Pakar Pangan dan Gizi IPB University

The experts were Prof Iskandar Z Siregar, Prof Drajat Martianto, Prof.l Hardinsyah, and Prof Edi Santosa. This discussion was held at the Startup Center Building, IPB Campus Taman Kencana, Bogor (25/11).

Prof Ernan Rustiadi, Vice Rector of IPB University for Research, Innovation, and Agromaritime Development in the meeting said, as a university in the field of agriculture, IPB University has great potential and capacity to provide assistance in the field of knowledge and innovation to help the government in the field of food and nutrition.

“Our suggestion is that this program must be initiated with sufficient information and research-based foundation so that it can be done accurately. I hope the government can use the results of our research,” he said.

According to him, the Free Nutritious Meal program is quite appropriate and effective. However, he suggested that this program could be an educative program, so that it has a big impact on the community.

“We must guard this program so that it is carried out with the right and accurate process. Not only providing nutritious food, but also (as) an educational program. If it is done with an educational approach, it will have a tremendous impact on the community,” he said.

Prof Drajat Martianto as Chief of the International Research Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health of IPB University appreciated the visit of BKSAP DPR RI. Especially when he learned that this institution has a strong concern for food and agriculture issues.

“The food issues we face are numerous and complex. Therefore, there is no single country that can be independent about food, it must be related to other countries. This is where diplomacy plays an important role,” he explained.

Mardani Ali Sera, Chief of BKSAP DPR RI, said that this activity aims to strengthen Indonesia’s diplomacy for food security and nutrition. It is also a second track diplomacy to support government programs. 

Mardani also emphasized the importance of research before the program begins. “So that this Free Nutritious Meal program can be measured accurately and right on target and provide an impact on the welfare of the community by lifting the people’s economy,” he added. (*/Rz) (IAAS/SNI)