In an effort to restore ecosystems, IPB University’s Silviculture Department creates a Drone Seeding-based Seedling Planting Action

In an effort to restore ecosystems, IPB University’s Silviculture Department creates a Drone Seeding-based Seedling Planting Action

Upaya Pemulihan Ekosistem, Departemen Silvikultur IPB University Buat Aksi Tanam Bibit Berbasis Drone Seeding

As part of the Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) program of the Kedaireka 2024 Match Fund, the Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) IPB University in collaboration with the Trenggalek Regency Government (Pemkab) held a conventional eucalyptus seed planting and seed dispersal event using drones in the Dillem Wilis Agrotourism area.

This program is the implementation of the 5th workpackage with the title “Implementation of Drone Seeding Using Mikoseedcookies and Seedbomb as an Acceleration of Ecosystem Recovery”, which is part of the technology-based ecosystem recovery efforts in Trenggalek Regency. 

The event was attended by various Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPDs), including the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappedalitbang), the Agriculture and Food Service Office, the Livestock Service Office, and the Dillem Wilis Agricultural Science and Technology Park (TSTP).

The event was officially opened by Prof Nurheni Wijayanto as the Chairperson of the MBKM Program Committee of the Kedaireka Match Fund. In her speech, she emphasized the importance of technology-based innovation in supporting environmental sustainability. 

“This program is a tangible manifestation of cross-sector synergy to restore the ecosystem. We hope that the drone seeding technology applied can be an innovative solution in accelerating the reforestation process and supporting climate change mitigation,” she said. 

Dina Septariasari, SP, MAgr, Chairmain of Facilities and Infrastructure at the Agriculture and Food Service Office of Trenggalek Regency, also gave a welcome speech. She appreciated the collaboration between the local government and academics as a strategic step in accelerating environmental recovery in Trenggalek.

“We are very proud of the implementation of this activity. The drone seeding innovation is not only efficient, but can also reach difficult areas, supporting reforestation efforts and better environmental management,” she said. 

After the opening, the event continued with the symbolic handover of eucalyptus seedlings by the IPB University team to several related OPDs. The symbolic planting of seedlings was carried out together by invited guests, which became part of the series of events. 

This planting is planned to be carried out in two zones, namely the conservation zone and the agroforestry zone. The conservation zone is focused on maintaining the sustainability of the natural ecosystem, while the agroforestry zone is designed to integrate ecological benefits with the economic aspects of the community.

This zone division refers to the overall planting location plan, so that the symbolic planting carried out together at the event was only carried out in one zone as a representative. 

This event is part of a series of large programs entitled “Drone Seeding Application Based on Sustainable Agrofor-Sociotech and Carbon Footprint in Trenggalek Regency”, which is expected to become a model of technology-based environmental management. 

The Silviculture Department of IPB University hopes that this activity can inspire more innovative and sustainable environmental management in the future. By involving the local government, academics, and the community, this program demonstrates cross-sector synergy to create a greener and more environmentally friendly ecosystem in Trenggalek Regency. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ZQA)