IPB University Holds Health Research Workshop

IPB University held a health research workshop, located at the Andi Hakim Nasoetion Building, (AHN). This workshop aims to strengthen collaboration between researchers and faculty, especially with the Faculty of Medicine of IPB University which has not been established for a long time. The event was attended by the Vice Rector of IPB University in the field of Research, Innovation and Agromaritime Development, Prof. Ernan Rustiadi, as well as the Director of Research Strategy and Development accompanied by assistant directors.
Several IPB University researchers presented their research, one of which was Prof. Irzaman from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). He presented an innovative non-invasive hemoglobin level measuring tool that is ready to be mass produced in 2024.
Prof Wisnu Ananta Kusuma from the Computer Science Department of FMIPA explains the application of bioinformatics for precision in the development of herbal medicine. Dr Joko Pamungkas from the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) also presented recombinant enzyme research for the development of biotechnology-based products.
The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of IPB University, Dr dr Ivan Rizal Sini, in his speech said, the Faculty of Medicine of IPB University focuses on three main research fields, namely biomedicine, clinical medicine, and community health for the period 2024-2029.
“The Faculty of Medicine of IPB University targets the publication of 20 scientific articles, five of which are the result of collaboration with other institutions. The main focus of their research is maternal health, stunting, cardiovascular disease, stem cell development, as well as artificial intelligence and robotics in health,” he explained.
In the panel discussion, researchers and lecturers from various faculties and international research institutions discussed the opportunities for multidisciplinary cooperation. This workshop is an important step in strengthening health research at IPB University and producing innovative solutions for national health challenges. (*/Rz) (IAAS/IAN)