Towards International Accreditation, Physics Undergraduate Program and Biophysics Master Program of IPB Received Visitation from ASIIN

Towards International Accreditation, Physics Undergraduate Program and Biophysics Master Program of IPB Received Visitation from ASIIN

Menuju Akreditasi Internasional, Prodi S1 Fisika dan Prodi S2 Biofisika IPB Mendapat Visitasi dari ASII

Towards international accreditation, IPB University’s Physics Undergraduate Program and Biophysics Master Program received a visitation from a team of assessors from Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN). 

The team of assessors were Prof Gert Ludwig Ingold (University of Augsburg), Prof Walter Neu (University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer and University of Oldenburg), Nick Wisely (Industrial Representative, Jobstreet Indonesia), Jihan Shafiyah ZT (Brawijaya University student), and Dr Sigfred Hermes (ASIIN Office). The guests were received in Rector’s Conference Room 1, IPB Dramaga Campus (08/10). 

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana conveyed that the arrival of the assessor team to IPB University was not only in the framework of accreditation visitation, but also to get objective evaluation and insight.

“For IPB University, the accreditation predicate is important, especially international accreditation. This is to improve standards towards a global standard university and international recognition,” he revealed. 

Meanwhile, Prof Gert Ludwig Ingold, an assessor from the University of Augsburg on that occasion asked many questions related to what benefits resulted from the existence of S1 Physics and S2 Biophysics Study Programs. 

Responding to this, Prof Yulin Lestari, Director of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology of IPB University said that the curriculum was designed to be unique and could support other sciences. In fact, according to her, physics must be studied in other study programs as a basic science. 

On the same occasion, Dr Berry Juliandi, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of IPB University added, in research, Physics Study Program can support life sciences for food security, energy, medical, and education. 

“Research conducted in the Department of Physics is usually related to the development of medical biophysics such as synthesis, characterization, and performance testing of biomaterials for medical applications,” he said.

In addition, in an effort to provide insight to students about physics, the Physics Department of IPB University has routinely provided short courses for high school students. Through the course program, it can increase student interest in the Physics Study Program.

Dr Berry is optimistic that ASIIN international accreditation will be achieved by the Physics S1 Study Program and Biophysics S2 Study Program. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)