Professors of MSP Department of IPB University Follow Up Research Collaboration with Xiamen University China

As a follow up to the Xiamen University delegation’s visit to IPB University in 2024, Prof. Luky Adrianto, Professor of the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University has recently made a visit to Xiamen University.
The visit of the Chairman of IPB University’s International Maritime, Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (i-MAR) was conducted at the invitation of Prof. Xue Xiongzhi, Dean of Xiamen University’s Fujian Institute for Sustainable Ocean (FISO).
During his visit, Prof Luky Adrianto has conducted three strategic meetings to discuss the research cooperation plan between Xiamen University and IPB University.
The first meeting was held with FISO Xiamen University and the Directorate General of Marine Management and Marine Spaces, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) RI to discuss the technical plan for the preparation of Balikpapan Bay marine spatial planning which will be carried out collaboratively involving the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL) i-MAR IPB University. This action research activity will be conducted during the period 2024-2026.
Meanwhile, the second meeting was held intensively between Prof Luky Adrianto and Prof Ling Chao from FISO Xiamen University and Dr Xin Zhao from Eastern Chinese Normal University (ECNU) Shanghai to develop a research collaboration proposal. Raising the main topic of Multi-Scale Regional Fisheries Social-Ecological System (SES), the research collaboration will involve four countries namely China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam.
The proposal will be submitted through a competitive process through the Sustainable Development International Cooperation Program for research implementation from January 2025-December 2027. The research will involve the Social-Ecological System of Fisheries and the Ocean (SESO Lab); Fisheries Resource Management Division, Department of MSP IPB University; and PKSPL i-MAR IPB University.
In this research, Prof Luky Adrianto is trusted as Co-Principal Scientist on the proposal, while Dr Xin Zhao from ECNU Shanghai acts as Principal Scientist.
Finally, the third meeting was held between Prof Luky Adrianto and Dr Xudong Zhu, Deputy Director of Mangrove Research Station (MRS) College of Environmental and Ecological Sciences (CEES) Xiamen University. During the meeting, both discussed the plan to establish a Sister MRS between Xiamen University MRS and IPB-Ketapang MRS in Tangerang, West Java Province.
The establishment of this Sister MRS is the first Sister MRS at IPB University and will be part of the joint-monitoring and long-term observation for Blue Carbon Ecosystems between China and Indonesia. This Sister MRS activity will be carried out comprehensively and intensively by the MSP Department of IPB University supported by PKSPL i-MAR IPB University. This step is also part of achieving the vision and mission of the Department of MSP IPB University as one of the main hubs of the Blue Carbon Ecosystem in Indonesia and the region. (LA/Rz) (IAAS/ZQA).