Preparing Strategies to Attract Investors, LKST IPB University Holds Innovation Pitching Technique Workshop
In preparing a strategy to attract investors, IPB University’s Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST) held a workshop on strengthening innovation pitching techniques. This activity took place at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor (15/10).
Chief of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi said that the main task of LKST is to bridge the invention results of IPB University’s intellectual property with the needs of the community.
Every year, IPB University launches various products to optimize the intellectual work of innovators to be useful and attract investors.
“The communication style in front of investors requires a short and concise presentation exercise. This workshop is expected to train innovators in presenting so that they are more ready to be glimpsed by investors,” she said.
Vice Chief of IPB University’s Institute for Innovation Development and Technology Transfer, Dr Tri Prartono said that the Science Techno Park (STP) is an organization mandated to downstream innovations, as well as being a promoter of innovation.
In his speech, he mentioned that talking at the science level is different from talking at the industrial level. Therefore, innovators must have the ability to convey their ideas and work to attract the attention of the industry.
“IPB University innovators must be able to attract the attention of industry and convey the results of their innovations so that these ideas can be accepted. Research must have a big impact, not just publications, but also real benefits for the general public. There are many challenges in facing the industrial world, and it is hoped that this workshop will be a useful provision,” he said.
Workshop resource person, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT Content Creative Indonesia, Riza Primadi said that the presentation must be able to explain the content clearly and attract attention, with the main target of the right investors.
According to him, the proposed invention must also have relevance to issues such as Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), green economy and consider aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“Investors make business decisions based on viability and feasibility aspects, including profit potential, market, as well as cost and regulatory analysis. Therefore, it is important to deliver an effective elevator pitch within 30 seconds to 2 minutes, because the perspective and perception of investors greatly affect their decisions,” he said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)