LKST IPB University Facilitates Training and Assistance on Patent Document Specifications for Inventors and Students

LKST IPB University Facilitates Training and Assistance on Patent Document Specifications for Inventors and Students

LKST IPB University Fasilitasi Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Spesifikasi Dokumen Paten bagi Inventor dan Mahasiswa

Institute of Science and Technology Park (LKST) IPB University facilitated the ‘Training and Assistance on Patent Document Specifications’ to 20 inventors and students. This assistance was carried out for two days (1-2/10) IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor.

On the first day, participants were given a general understanding of writing patent document specifications. While the second day focused on mentoring. 

Prof Tri Prartono, Vice Chief of LKST IPB University in the field of Innovation and Technology Transfer said that LKST has the mandate to develop innovation and technology transfer. For this reason, he considered it important to protect intellectual property, technology transfer, and innovation of lecturers and students.

“Thus, the intellectual property owned by IPB University students and lecturers is recognized by other parties,” he said. 

Furthermore, he said that the training and assistance in the specification of patent documents will always be carried out, considering that IPB University is an institution that always produces research. Prof. Tri hopes that this activity is not only training but can be a provision of competence for the participants.

In his material, Prof Tri explained about intellectual property which is divided into communal and personal intellectual property. “In essence, communal intellectual property is characterized as belonging to a region, for example Bogor taro, part of the region or Cilembu sweet potato, which is the uniqueness of a region,” he explained. 

As for copyright, it is the exclusive right of the creator that arises automatically realized in real form. Types of works that can be registered as copyright are written works, works of art, musical compositions, audiovisual works, photographic works, recordings and other works. 

In addition, Assistant for Management and Commercialization of Intellectual Property of LKST IPB University, Dr Yuni Puji Hastuti explained about how to search for patent documents and the benefits of patent searching, one of which is to avoid infringement and duplication. 

She also advised inventors to remain consistent and not give up easily. “Follow the flow and procedure to get a patent. Thus, our work can be recognized as well as utilized more widely for the community so that economically it can be inherited,” she said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)