Lively 61st Dies Natalis, IPB University Alumni Association Organizes Fun Riding 2024

Lively 61st Dies Natalis, IPB University Alumni Association Organizes Fun Riding 2024

Semarak Dies Natalis ke-61, Himpunan Alumni IPB University Adakan Fun Riding 2024
Alumni EN / News

Following the lively 61st Anniversary of IPB University, the Alumni Association (HA) of IPB University organized Fun Riding 2024, Sunday (13/10). This HA IPB Cycling Community initiative was attended by alumni from various generations and IPB University leaders. 

The route taken was about 60 KM, starting from IPB Baranangsiang Campus, Cibinong Botanical Garden, Sukaraja, and back to IPB Baranangsiang Campus.

In his speech, Prof Iskandar Z Siregar, Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration, and Alumni Relations said, “This activity is also a follow-up to the Fun Run Half Marathon 2024 last week, still as a festive series of IPB University’s 61st Anniversary,” he said.

He also stated, this event was held to promote a healthy lifestyle and facilitate the cycling hobby of IPB University alumni. This activity is also a gathering event and expands the alumni network.

“Today we are releasing the Fun Riding 2024 event, hopefully the participants are in good condition and reach the finish with good and happy conditions,” he added.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of HA IPB University, drh Sukma Kamajaya, MM revealed that this event invited enthusiastic about 140 IPB alumni from various backgrounds. In the third year of its implementation, the number of participants was still as crowded as last year.

He revealed that the safety side was prioritized because the route was quite long. “In terms of safety, we have coordinated with Polresta and Polres, the intersections have been secured and the marshall team has stood by at several points along the route,” he explained.

Through this routine activity, he hopes that the spirit of alumni togetherness and commitment to a healthy lifestyle will be maintained. Not to forget, participants were presented with entertainment and also given medals and attractive door prizes to add to the excitement. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)