IPB University Vocational School Students Create Diaper Waste into Two Products

IPB University Vocational School Students Create Diaper Waste into Two Products

Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Kreasikan Limbah Popok jadi Dua Produk Ini
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IPB University Vocational School students from the Agriculture Student Association (Himavoperta) showed their innovation by developing paving block products and horticultural plant containers from baby diaper waste. This program aims to solve environmental problems by turning waste that is difficult to decompose into valuable products.

Plastic waste and baby diapers are the main materials in this project. Each paving block produced can absorb up to five kilograms of plastic waste. Meanwhile, baby diaper waste is processed into horticultural plant containers that are waterproof and strong. This innovation was carried out in Sukaraja Village, Bogor Regency, involving the participation of 215 local residents.

The project supervisor, Dian Eka Ramadhan, SPi, MSi, explained that this innovation is a concrete solution to the problem of plastic waste and diaper waste that often pollute the environment. “We see great opportunities from these wastes to be processed into products that are environmentally friendly and have high economic value,” said Dian.

The processing process consists of several stages, from waste collection and sorting, to mixing with additives and then molding and drying. The final product is expected to improve the quality of life of the community by creating a cleaner environment and opening new business opportunities.

Dian also hopes that this innovation can increase public awareness of the importance of waste management. “We want people to be more aware that waste can be a resource if processed properly,” she added.

Through this project, the Himavoperta team consisting of Adam Firdaus, Adam Harisma Martin, Afifah Nur Lina Putri, Dewa Candra, Naswah Nur Annisa Lubis, Raisah Nabila, Zahra Aulia Hasan, Sinta Anggraeni Putri, Ilham Galeh Ramadan, and Difla Aisyah Mallayeka, invites people to play an active role in environmental conservation, while creating economic opportunities that benefit the community. (ASW/Rz) (IAAS/SNI)