IPB University Vocational School Holds Product Branding and Commercialization Training in Mulyaharja Village, Bogor

IPB University Vocational School Holds Product Branding and Commercialization Training in Mulyaharja Village, Bogor

Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Gelar Pelatihan Branding dan Komersialisasi Produk di Desa Mulyaharja Bog

IPB University Vocational School through the Agribusiness Management Study Program (Prodi) provided Product Branding and Commercialization training in Mulyaharja Village, Bogor, West Java. The training was attended by small, micro, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) located in the village area.

The person in charge of the activity, Dr Doni Sahat Tua Manalu said that this training was a series of Integrated Community Service activities of IPB University Vocational School in 2024 which collaborated with 17 study programs.

“We held this training because Mulyaharja Village has various MSMEs engaged in various fields. Most of them are sandal and shoe craftsmen who have the potential to be marketed, and can become a characteristic of the village,” he said.

The training was also attended by the Head of the Economic and Development Section (Kasi) of Mulyaharja Village, Rosani Sutawijaya. “We feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to attend training that is very much needed by MSMEs in Mulyaharja Village. With this activity, hopefully it can increase insight, especially about branding and commercialization of MSME products,” she said.

The activity was opened by the Secretary of the Agribusiness Management Study Program, Liisa Firhani Rahmasari, SP, MSi. She also provided training on digital marketing strategies.

Meanwhile, other materials were delivered by lecturers from the Agribusiness Management Study Program, IPB University Vocational School. Dr Sanitianing Anggraeni delivered material on the importance of knowing marketing strategies through branding and product commercialization.

Furthermore, material on strategies to understand consumer tastes to increase sales was delivered by Intani Dewi, SPt, MSc, MSi. Then, Dr Wien Kuntari delivered training material on the function of advertising. Then Dr Veralianta Br Sebayang delivered material on the role of institutions in MSMEs.

One of the participants, Eva, thought that this training was very useful for her business. “We understand the strategy of marketing products, how product branding greatly influences consumers to buy our products, because it will be easier to remember and have a selling value in the market,” she said.

Dr Doni Sahat said that participants were not only invited to develop their businesses. They are also taught to choose the right marketing strategy, supported by branding to increase the selling value of the product.

“Thus, it is hoped that the UMKM of Mulyaharja Village can become a superior UMKM that is always sought after and become one of the successful business institutions,” he concluded. (*/Nr) (IAAS/ASD)