IPB University Vocational School Encourages KWT Ciharashas to Master Modern Vertical Hydroponics
The Study Program (Prodi) of Seed Industry Technology (TIB) of the Vocational School IPB University is again carrying out a community service program. This activity was attended by the Women Farmers Group (KWT) Ciharashas, Mulyaharja, Bogor.
Previously, participants were introduced to potted fruit plants (tabulampot) and family medicinal plants (toga). Meanwhile, on this occasion, a vegetable cultivation training was held using a modern vertical hydroponic system.
The participants were invited to do the pretest assisted by students which was followed by the presentation of the material by Ir Asdar Iswati, as a lecturer of the Seed Industry Technology Study Program. She explained material related to the hydroponic cultivation system related to the questions tested in the pretest activity.
“Hydroponic power cultivation requires attention to various aspects and needs, starting from the planting medium used to the important factors needed by plants in the hydroponic system,” explained Ir Asdar.
In addition to the presentation of the material, the participants were also directly introduced to the vertical hydroponic system carried out in the screen house. “KWT Ciharaskan we direct how to use and make the most effective use of hydroponics sustainably,” she explained.
Continued Ir Asdar, seeding is done by paying attention to the size of the rockwool cutting to make it easier when transferring to the net pot. Seeds that are sown include red spinach (Amaranthus tricolour) and kale (Ipomoea aquatica).
“With our guidance, KWT Ciharashas members are able to make planting holes on rockwool. Plant seeds that have been prepared are then transferred to the vertical culture system. In this system, water mixed with AB mix nutrients flows from the bottom to the top, then goes back down, wetting the flannel in the net pot, so that the water flows into the rockwool,” she said.
Service activities were welcomed by the womans of KWT Ciharashas, they showed high enthusiasm through active participation in every activity, including practising in the field.
Umyati, one of the active members of KWT Ciharashas said that the explanation and practice of hydroponic planting from the lecturers of the TIB Study Program from IPB University can be understood by KWT Ciharashas easily and it is hoped that this activity can continue.
“Hopefully in the future this program can continue, so that it can help KWT Ciharashas members run the hydroponic system and produce products that are beneficial to the wider community in the agricultural sector,” she said. (*/Lt) (IAAS/TIA)