IPB University Graduate School Holds Socialization on the Use of SIMONEV for Faculties and Schools

IPB University Graduate School Holds Socialization on the Use of SIMONEV for Faculties and Schools

Sekolah Pascasarjana (SPs) IPB University mengadakan sosialisasi pengembangan penggunaan Sistem Informasi Monitoring dan Evaluasi (SIMONEV) di Grand Savero, Bogor (4/10).

Postgraduate School (SPs) IPB University held a socialization of the development of the use of Monitoring and Evaluation Information System (SIMONEV) at Grand Savero, Bogor (4/10). This socialization presented speakers Dr Yani Nurhadryani (SIMONEV Developer) and Effi Hariyadi, SM, MSi (SPs Academic Data Input and Evaluation Supervisor).

SIMONEV has been developed since 2019 to find out developments in supporting the performance evaluation process efficiently. In addition, currently this SIMONEV system also presents data quickly and is integrated with other systems at IPB University.

Vice Dean of SPs IPB University in the field of Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni), Prof Yusli Wardiatno in his speech said that this socialization aims to enable faculty and school administrators to improve services to stakeholders. He said, currently IPB University is very grateful to have a system like SIMONEV that can facilitate monitoring and evaluation information.

“According to one of the SPs cooperation partners, namely the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) of the Ministry of Finance, that the advantages of SPs IPB University currently have a very good monitoring and evaluation system compared to other universities. Of course we need to jointly continue to develop the SIMONEV system to be even better, “he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Yani Nurhadryani explained the development of SIMONEV. One of the main objectives in developing the SIMONEV system is to monitor master and doctoral students as needed. 

SIMONEV needs are growing. For this year 2024, SIMONEV added optimization of letter creation, efficiency of letter archive management, and management of faculty admin roles.

“SIMONEV can be used by internal postgraduate stakeholders with its main focus as an internal managerial, namely students, supervisors, faculty, and study programs,” she explained.

Effi Hariyadi, SM, MSi added that SIMONEV has brought convenience in managing and monitoring students. Features such as correspondence provide added value by automating the distribution of evaluation results to students in real-time through digital mail. 

He said, the development of SIMONEV is currently expanded, not only at SPs as the main manager but also at the faculty and school level with the transfer of some authority from SPs IPB University. “The development of SIMONEV is a response to the need for modernization of correspondence management in student evaluation, digital archiving, and more flexible management of admin roles,” he added. 

Present in this activity were Rudi Irawan, SP, MSi (Chief of SPs Administration), Nur Sulianti Suci Pertiwi, SP (Chief of Education and Student Affairs Subdivision), Fatmasari Siregar, SP, MM (Chief of Public Relations, Cooperation and New Student Admission Subdivision), Nana Yuana (Chief of Finance, Personnel and General Subdivision) and all Chief of Administration of Faculties and Schools. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/HLF)