IPB University Distributes Second Phase of Orphan Charity in Campus Ring Village

IPB University Distributes Second Phase of Orphan Charity in Campus Ring Village

IPB University Salurkan Santunan Anak Yatim Tahap Kedua di Desa Lingkar Kampus

IPB University through the Waqf and Social Fund Unit distributed charity to orphans around the campus at the State Junior High School (SMP) 1 Dramaga, (1/10). The IPB Peduli Orphan Charity Programme this time is the second phase of distribution, after previously distributed in the past Ramadan. 

Rina, Vice Principal of SMP Negeri 1 Dramaga in the field of Public Relations expressed her gratitude and thanks to IPB University for the implementation of this programme. She also conveyed the same thing to the donors who had set aside their fortune for the orphans at school. 

“Hopefully this donation will be useful and support them to become children who are pious, salihah, and successful in the future,” she said.

Dr Alla Asmara, Chief of the Unit of Waqf and Social Fund of IPB University, on that occasion explained, the IPB Peduli Program for Orphan Compensation, is an annual agenda that aims to provide assistance to orphans in the campus circle. 

“Alhamdulillah, this year we can carry out the compensation in two stages. In the first stage, we have distributed aid to 1,008 orphans during Ramadan,” he said.

He said that the target for 2024 is to provide compensation to 1.000 orphans, with assistance of Rp350.000 per child. The total funds raised from donors reached more than Rp500 million.

“For the second phase, compensation was given to 482 orphans spread across 29 elementary schools (SD) and 9 junior high schools, with priority for children who had just entered school. Hopefully this assistance can help them fulfil their needs such as uniforms and books,” she added. 

Dr Alla also informed that IPB University is developing a productive waqf programme to increase independence in raising funds. At the end of his speech, he expressed the hope that this activity would become a deed of worship and motivate all parties to pay attention to orphans.

Prof Iskandar Z Siregar, Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration, and Alumni Relations who was also present emphasised the important role of education in educating the nation’s children, especially for orphans who are just starting their educational journey. 

“Here, IPB University is committed to participating in educating the nation’s children through programmes such as IPB Peduli. This event is not only a moment of sharing, but also a motivation for students to continue learning and achieve their goals,” he said.

Prof Iskandar said that the funds collected for the orphanage exceeded the target, so as to reach more beneficiaries. “We endeavour to raise funds for social activities like this,” he continued.

He also reminded the children to have goals and dreams in pursuing higher education. He closed his speech with thanks to SMP Negeri 1 Dramaga and all parties who contributed to this event, hoping that IPB University will continue to advance and provide benefits to the community. (Ns/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)